I will put aside the discussion for now if the comic writing would be appropriate to help deliver author’s real intension, but I do have a tingling urge to comment on the comment of “West Coast”(or 西岸). As I have posted before in other blogs about 西岸’s comment as well as on his own articles西岸 is a master of misleading debater. One of his techniques is illogical generalization. He will start with a case seemingly right on its own, and then extrapolate to a general conclusion of much large scale. For example, he stated “清除腐败从理论上讲(即现代心理学和墨菲定律)是不可能的,能做的是规范腐败,即把腐败制度化。这是日本台湾和美国等发达国家的经验”。 First Murphy’s Law is not in any way equal to the second law of thermodynamics. As“潇潇飞云”put out correctly in the article that power produces corruption. But he forgot to add that in a democratic system people can give power and also can take it away, It is because people are very much aware of this truth that power corrupts and design mechanisms to prevent it. Of course nothing is perfect. But it doesn't mean people should just give up efforts to fix a political system that is critically essential to their livelihood. Secondly, let’s not deliberate in much detail how absurd of his claim that corruption is pervasive everywhere on the planet Earth, as it is simply not true in real and mature democratic nations. It is also ridiculous to say because there have been corruption cases in democratic nations then corruptions in countries like China must be defensive. Well, at least西岸admitted here that 日本台湾和美国等发达国家的经验 are good examples for China to learn and imitate. Thirdly, 西岸 also claimed that “等到腐败像台湾那样成为社会生活的内容,就不被认为是腐败了,因为腐败的危害是威胁社会分配,当成为制度后,也就降低了分配领域的影响,成为利益均沾”。These sentences simply knocked me out, and made me speechless. Corruption is not just 腐败的危害是威胁社会分配,it is the cancer to a society. Corruption in China is not something normal, it is one of the worst of bad humanity. I will go read your “全民腐败谈”and see how you could twist fallacy into truth without any shame and hesitation.