他尖锐地指出:A culture that just views a pig as a pile of protoplasmic inanimate structure to be manipulated by whatever creative design that humans can foist on that critter, will probably view individuals within its community and other cultures in the community of nations with the same type of disdain, disrespect and controlling-type mentality."(这种把猪随便摆弄的文化,对本社区和其他国家的人也会持同样傲慢的心态)
这位农场主被孟山都起诉,还没上法庭就已经花了$400,000,官司要上法庭还需要$1M,只好庭外和解。他气愤地说:"The way the system appeared to work to me was Lady Justice had the scales, and you piled cash on the scales. And the one that piled the most cash on the scales, hired the most experts and was most willing to tell the biggest lies, that was the winner. That seems to be how our justice system functions now. It's terrible. How can a farmer defend himself against a multinational corporation like Monsanto?(简单地翻:八字衙门朝南开,有理无钱莫进来?)
农民很无奈,如果不和孟山都打交道,就无种可种:"In the case of Monsanto, their control is so dominant. If you want to be in production agriculture, you're gonna be in bed with Monsanto. They own the soybean."
关于消费者知情权法案(SB-63)的辩论:正方:It simply requires that all foods that are cloned must be labeled as cloned foods. These cloned animals are a fundamentally new thing. But I find it incredible that the FDA not only wants to allow the sale of meat from cloned animals without further research, but also wants to allow the sale of this meat without any labeling. (克隆技术食品必须加标签) 反方:The reason that we are concerned with labeling is it creates unnecessary fear in a consumer's mind. Until the industry has an opportunity to educate why we want to use this technology and the value of the technology, we don't feel that consumers just having a warning label will help them. (消费者没必要知道,会引起不必要的恐慌)
目前,健康食品比junk food贵,政府必须在policy level做出改变,make carrots better deal than chips
- You can vote to change this system, Three times a day - Buying from companies that treat works, animals, and the environment with respect - When you go to supermarket, choose foods that are in season, Buy food that are organic. Know what's in your food, by reading labels- The average food travels 1500 miles from the farm to the supermarket, buy food that are grown locally. Shop at the Farmer's Markets. Plan a garden - Ask your school board to provide healthy school lunches - The FDA and USDA are supposed to protect you and your family. Tell congress to enforce Food Safety standars, and reintroduce Kevin's Law - You can change the world with every bite.