读了几篇有关橄榄油与其它食用油的比较介绍之后,我家里的食用油全部换成了橄榄油。作为家庭煮妇和主妇,天天做饭,常常用油。既然橄榄油是最健康,最营养,最佳食用油,那么就改用橄榄油了。以前只是用橄榄油拌色拉。橄榄油的种类很多,浓度也有多种选择。与一些中国朋友,美国朋友谈起食用油,很多朋友对橄榄油不以为然,他们的观点是,食用油就是食用油,各种油之间区别不大,能煎炒烹炸足矣。老美做饭更是简单,很少用油,只是在烘烤主食或甜食加些食用油。对于食用油的选择也是仁者见仁,智者见智了。转贴两篇来自网上有关橄榄油介绍的文章,请专家学者点评指导。(两篇文章的区别是,中文的文章提到“科学家研究发现……,没有提到具体是哪一位科学家;英文短文提到是registered dietician Katherine Zeratsky……) 这一段来自百度 橄榄油被认为是迄今所发现的油脂中最适合人体营养的油脂。由于橄榄油在生产过程中未经任何化学处理,所有的天然营养成分保存得非常完好,不含胆固醇,消化率可达到94%左右。橄榄油对婴幼儿的发育极为适宜,它的基本脂肪酸的比例与母乳非常相仿。无论是老年时期,还是生长发育时期,橄榄油都是人类的最佳食用油。
饮食禁忌:因其中的果味易挥发,保存时忌与空气接触,忌高温和光照,且不宜久存。橄榄油富含单不饱和脂肪酸和维生素A、D、E、K、F等多种营养元素,在生产过程中未经过任何化学处理,其天然的营养成分保持得非常完好, 所以在健康品质上可以说是所有食用油之冠。 这一段转自 Hellolife.net Olive Oil vs other cooking oils Selecting the right cooking oil is an important choice for many. Taste, cost and health benefits all factor into just this one decision. In an effort to make this selection simple, olive oil is named among the healthiest choices of all cooking oils. It contains healthy monounsaturated fat, which, according to registered dietician Katherine Zeratsky, “can lower your risk of heart disease by reducing the total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL or “bad”) cholesterol levels in your blood.” Health Benefits of Olive oil According to health officials, fats and oils are an essential part of a balanced diet. Olive oil in particular is rich in vitamins A, D, E and K. It contains antioxidants and stimulates bone growth as well as calcium absorption. Olive oil is also easy to digest, allowing it to absorb completely into the system. In fact, the protective functions of olive oil have a beneficial effect on ulcers and gastritis. Olive oil stimulates the secretion of bile and pancreatic hormones more naturally than medications, and it also lowers the incidence of gallstone formation. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), persons who consume around two tablespoons daily of olive oil may reduce their chances for heart disease. The greatest benefit is achieved by substituting olive oil for saturated fats rather than simply adding olive oil to one’s diet. Saturated and trans fats that should be avoided are as follows: - Butter
- Partially hydrogenated oils
- Tropical oils
- Animal fats
These not only increase one’s chances of heart disease, but they also contribute to other health problems, including obesity and high cholesterol. |