Presenting the New Mercedes Benz SCL600  Pretty, isn't it?  So? What's different about this car?  Not this...  ???? Here is the real difference  No Steering Wheel No Pedals either  You drive this car with a joystick. The influence of video games in our lives has really arrived. 哈哈,我可不敢开这类车。擅长玩 video games 的孩子们一定会比老妈老爸开得好! 不过我发现这车还有一个特点,您既可以坐在左边车座上用右手开车,您也可坐在右边车座上用左手开车。坐在前排的两个人还可以随时随地交替开车,避免了换座位的麻烦。 说不定以后人坐在车里拿个遥控器就可以驾驶了. |