What had been achieved came to be regarded as a secure and imperishable possession, acquired once and for all. The eyes of the people became fixed on the new demands, the rapid satisfaction of which seemed to be barred by the adherence to the old principles. It became more and more widely accepted that further advance could not be expected along the old lines within the general framework which had made past progress pOSSible, but only by a complete remodelling of society. It was no longer a question of adding to or improving the existing machinery, but of completely scrapping and replaCing it. And as the hope of the new generation came to be centred on something completely new, interest in, and understanding of, the functioning of the existing society rapidly declined; and with the decline of the understanding of the way in which the free system worked our awareness of what depended on its existence also decreased.
True justice is sprung from genuine equality of individuals under the rule of the law. Distributive equality is another matter. True justice is impartial and impersonal. Different condition among individuals or groups which are not the result of interference do not imply an electal social injustice!
还有一点我想在录像中以及我在你文章后的留言也提到了。就是哈所秉持的人类知识的不完全性决定了division of knowledge的本性。正因为如此任何人都知识都是localized的。从而决定了人类整体社会的进步是由个体的发展带动的。具有很大的不可预测性。这也就是为何整体进步的不可计划性。这个是哈耶克论证为何对自由的保护会最有利于社会发展。