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用黑格尔的哲学来解释黑格尔的中国没有哲学的结论 2013-04-25 16:29:45

众所周知,黑格尔是辩证法理论的重要里程碑。其不同于前辈哲学家的最大一点就是对于真理的时间性的论断。黑格尔认为所谓的世界精神会随着历史的进程而改变。所谓的真理是主观的,是会随着时间的推移而变化。其原因则是因为人类知识和社会的演化进步。 而由于人类认识本身固有的辩证过程, 即事物本身固有矛盾双方的冲突碰撞使得人类本身的精神和知识不断进步提高。因此要判断真理就要放到其历史原型中去来看待比较。








后来沽博又提出道德经只研究道德从而不是哲学。先不说道德经的道和德和我们现在说的道德是两码事儿。就算是研究道德本身难道就不是哲学家了?比如说古希腊的哲学家普罗泰哥达有句名言叫“the question is complex and life is short"。他说这话的意思就是说他只以研究道德和政治为目的。其他的有关自然,上帝等等与人的现实生活需要没有什么重要关系所以他也不关心。这和孔子的“未能事人,焉能事鬼”有异曲同工之妙。你可以说他们的观点不对,但你能因此说他们不是哲学家?




那么到底黑格尔为何会发出中国无哲学的论断呐? 我以为有如下几种可能。


1) 人非圣贤,孰能无过。


The difference between men and women is like that between animals and plants. Men correspond to animals, while women correspond to plants because their development is more placid and the principle that underlies it is the rather vague unity of feeling. When women hold the helm of government, the state is at once in jeopardy, because women regulate their actions not by the demands of universality but by arbitrary inclinations and opinions. Women are educated — who knows how? — as it were by breathing in ideas, by living rather than by acquiring knowledge. The status of manhood, on the other hand, is attained only by the stress of thought and much technical exertion.






我当时在沽读博留言中半开玩笑的说是因为黑格尔认为老子是个圣人。比哲学家更高一级,他的道德经要比西方对事物辩证本性的认识早了一两千年。实在是匪夷所思。所以那个只能是神授而非人为。 这一点大家就算是我在胡诌吧。哈哈



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作者:老几 留言时间:2013-04-27 16:11:07
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作者:han_feng 留言时间:2013-04-26 18:19:42
No of any foreign philosophor ever reached the height of Laozi and Confucius.
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作者:沙之舟 留言时间:2013-04-26 17:41:34

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作者:老矮 留言时间:2013-04-26 17:08:22
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作者:湯安 留言时间:2013-04-26 15:26:39
老沙开始谈古典哲学了? 赞一个,回头细读。评论看了一下,兔子又来丢人了,这里即使对黑格尔唯物思想相当不赞成的慕容博都不会说出兔子那样外行的话出来,兔子的豆脑能把唯物论跟共产党搞成一个定义,介得多大的肿瘤才能建立起那么奇怪的逻辑出来? 所以我说他让黑格尔入了中共。





作者:湯安 留言时间:2013-04-26 18:01:13


在加拿大那兔子不拉屎的地方冻出遗传病了吧? 怎么尽出这类装B蒜的二竿子?


别那么喜欢摆弄什么你爱好的"小鸡鸡"词汇,语言是用来创作的,创作是不用自己往癞痢头上贴金的,要不怎么说桃李不言呢。有本事拿出几篇正规作品出来,"小说不嫌长,五绝不嫌短",拿作品出来不比你连区分Georgia & Florida Cracker,Appalachia & the Ozarks hillbilly and the rural South white trash 都丢人现眼强得多?





作者:湯安 留言时间:2013-04-26 17:06:13




你不象有诗词才能,写篇散文如何? 语言任你选,汤某就一句,"语言玩家"的大帽子可以戴,拿本事出来自己挣。
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作者:沙之舟 留言时间:2013-04-26 09:42:25
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作者:中军 留言时间:2013-04-25 21:45:45
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作者:沙之舟 留言时间:2013-04-25 18:34:00
这个没法相信兔子了。如果黑格尔就是强调真理的终极状态的话他根本没有必要花大力气的去解释过程。 他的最终目的是说尽管人类有缺陷,但是真理并非如康德所说的无法最终发现。尽管人类目前的认识肯定还不是真理但如数学中的无限概念一般其终极极限就是真理了。
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作者:stinger 留言时间:2013-04-25 18:27:42

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作者:沙之舟 留言时间:2013-04-25 18:10:10
The True is the whole. But the whole is nothing other than the essence consummating itself through its development. Of the Absolute it must be said that it is essentially a result, that only in the end is it what it truly is; and that precisely in this consists its nature, viz. to be actual, subject, the spontaneous becoming of itself.




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作者:stinger 留言时间:2013-04-25 17:58:56


Hegel’s Philosophy of History

III. Philosophic History

i. Reason Governs the World - ii. The Destiny of Reason - iii. World History

§ 13

In those of my hearers who are not acquainted with Philosophy, I may fairly presume, at least, the existence of a belief in Reason, a desire, a thirst for acquaintance with it, in entering upon this course of Lectures. It is in fact, the wish for rational insight, not the ambition to amass a mere heap of acquisitions, that should be presupposed in every case as possessing the mind of the learner in the study of science. If the clear idea of Reason is not already developed in our minds, in beginning the study of Universal History, we should at least leave the firm, unconquerable faith that Reason does exist there; and that the World of intelligence and conscious volition is not abandoned to chance, but must show itself in the light of the self-cognisant Idea. Yet I am not obliged to make any such preliminary demand upon your faith. What I have said thus provisionally, and what I shall have further to say, is, even in reference to our branch of science, not to be regarded as hypothetical, but as a summary view of the whole; the result of the investigation we are about to pursue; a result which happens to be known to me, because I have traversed the entire field. It is only an inference from the history of the World, that its development has been a rational process; that the history in question has constituted the rational necessary course of the World Spirit — that Spirit whose nature is always one and the same, but which unfolds this its one nature in the phenomena of the World's existence. This must, as before stated, present itself as the ultimate result of History. But we have to take the latter as it is. We must proceed historically — empirically. Among other precautions we must take care not to be misled by professed historians who (especially among the Germans, and enjoying a considerable authority), are chargeable with the very procedure of which they accuse the Philosopher — introducing à priori inventions of their own into the records of the Past. It is, for example, a widely current fiction, that there was an original primeval people, taught immediately by God, endowed with perfect insight and wisdom, possessing a thorough knowledge of all natural laws and spiritual truth; that there have been such or such sacerdotal peoples; or, to mention a more specific averment, that there was a Roman Epos, from which the Roman historians derived the early annals of their city, &c. Authorities of this kind we leave to those talented historians by profession, among whom (in Germany at least) their use is not uncommon. — We might then announce it as the first condition to be observed, that we should faithfully adopt all that is historical. But in such general expressions themselves, as “faithfully” and “adopt,” lies the ambiguity. Even the ordinary, the “impartial” historiographer, who believes and professes that he maintains a simply receptive attitude; surrendering himself only to the data supplied him — is by no means passive as regards the exercise of his thinking powers. He brings his categories with him, and sees the phenomena presented to his mental vision, exclusively through these media. And, especially in all that pretends to the name of science, it is indispensable that Reason should not sleep — that reflection should be in full play. To him who looks upon the world rationally, the world in its turn, presents a rational aspect. The relation is mutual. But the various exercises of reflection — the different points of view — the modes of deciding the simple question of the relative importance of events (the first category that occupies the attention of the historian), do not belong to this place.
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作者:沙之舟 留言时间:2013-04-25 17:48:38

It is only an inference from the history of the World, that its development has been a rational process; that the history in question has constituted the rational necessary course of the World Spirit - that Spirit whose nature is always one and the same, but which unfolds this its one nature in the phenomena of the World's existence. This must, as before stated, present itself as the ultimate result of History.
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作者:stinger 留言时间:2013-04-25 16:56:44




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