精神,指一切 - 不限于人的认知 - 关于规则,规律,道理或数学公式,逻辑公式
1) 现在还信奉唯物主义的哲学家有多少?
“The professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame Alvin Plantinga
criticises it, and the Emiritus Regius Professor of Divinity Keith Ward
suggests that materialism is rare amongst contemporary UK philosophers:
"Looking around my philosopher colleagues in Britain, virtually all of whom
I know at least from their published work, I would say that very few of
them are materialists."[20]”
2) 为什么这么少人还继续相信唯物主义,既唯物主义的问题在哪里?
“Then came our Quantum theory, which totally transformed our image of matter.
The old assumption that the microscopic world of atoms was simply a scaled-down
version of the everyday world had to be abandoned. Newton's deterministic
machine was replaced by a shadowy and paradoxical conjunction of waves and
particles, governed by the laws of chance, rather than the rigid rules of
causality. An extension of the quantum theory goes beyond even this; it
paints a picture in which solid matter dissolves away, to be replaced by
weird excitations and vibrations of invisible field energy. Quantum physics
undermines materialism because it reveals that matter has far less 'substance'
than we might believe. But another development goes even further by demolishing
Newton's image of matter as inert lumps. This development is the theory
of chaos, which has recently gained widespread attention.
ù Paul Davies and John Gribbin, 'The Matter Myth', Chapter 1”
3) 宗教界对唯物主义的批评:
“Religious and spiritual objections
According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, materialism denies the existence
of both deities and "souls."[21] It is therefore incompatible with most
world religions including Christianity, Judaism and Islam. In most of Hinduism
and transcendentalism, all matter is believed to be an illusion called Maya,
blinding us from knowing the truth. Maya is the limited, purely physical
and mental reality in which our everyday consciousness has become entangled.
Maya gets destroyed for a person when they perceive Brahman with transcendental
knowledge. In contrast, Joseph Smith, the first president of the LDS Church,
claimed "There is no such thing as immaterial matter,". "All spirit is matter,
but it is more fine or pure, and can only be discerned by purer eyes; We
cannot see it; but when our bodies are purified we shall see that it is
all matter."[22] This spirit element has always existed; it is co-eternal
with God. (Teachings, pp. 352ǔ354.) It is also called intelligence or the
light of truth, which like all observable matter "was not created or made,
neither indeed can be."[23]”
4) 哲学上唯物主义的困境:
“Kant argued against all three forms of materialism, subjective idealism
(which he contrasts with his "transcendental idealism"[24]) and dualism.[25]
However, Kant also argues that change and time require an enduring substrate,
[26] and does so in connection with his Refutation of Idealism.[27] Postmodern/
poststructuralist thinkers also express a skepticism about any all-encompassing
metaphysical scheme. Philosopher Mary Midgley,[28] among others,[29][30][31][32]
argues that materialism is a self-refuting idea, at least in its eliminative
(1) 如果世界存在着一种“最终的物质”,它一定是“最小”而且没有变化。
(2) 但如果存在这样的物质(1),它必需存在于精神以前,而且,它必然能够产生精
(3) 如果(2)是真的,这样的结果不可能是一种机遇的结果,这样的结果一定是事先
(4) 因此(3)和(1)自相矛盾,所以“唯物主义是世界本质”的命题不成立。
(5) 如果唯物主义是错的,唯心主义是必然是真理 - 二者必居其一。
(6) 所以世界的本质是精神,不是物质。