不客气,过敏就是个摸索过程,the good news is, everyone can find nice results. So, don' t worry about it too much. 医院里面也是一个个测试,还不如自己小心求证方便,但是请暂时不要大胆假设,等过了免疫应答期再慢慢听从医生的方案。
According to the Celiac Disease Foundation, celiac disease is a condition that causes intolerance to foods that contain gluten. The small intestine becomes damaged from the toxic reaction the body has to any amount of gluten. People with celiac disease and others with gluten intolerance must find foods to eat that do not contain gluten, the protein found in all forms of wheat and other grains such as rye and barley. Organizations such as the Gluten-Free Certification Organization test products and manufacturers, and create lists of non-gluten foods. There also are a wide variety of more common fresh foods that exist in nature and do not contain gluten.
FRUITS AND VEGETABLES All fresh fruits and vegetables are gluten free. But according to the Vegetarian Society, people looking for gluten-free fruits and vegetables that are fresh, frozen or canned should read the labels closely to check what has been used in the preparation process. Fruits and vegetables cooked in any kind of sauce usually have gluten in the thickening ingredients. Nuts and seeds are gluten-free as well, except for those prepared in sauce or gravy, such as baked beans.
GRAINS There are a wide variety of grains that naturally are gluten-free. Buckwheat, potato and rice flour, rice bran, tapioca, soy flour and corn or maize are ingredients that can be used to make gluten-free grains. Breads, cakes and flour are available with these natural grains. Many manufacturers, especially those that market to health and natural food stores, include labeling on their products to assure consumers that no other gluten was used in the making of their gluten-free grain products.
MEAT Meat--including poultry, pork and seafood--that is 100 percent pure and has no grain additives or coating is gluten-free, report doctors at Jackson Siegelbaum Gastroenterology. Food coated with pure cornmeal can be tolerated well by people with gluten intolerance. Other good sources of protein that are gluten-free include peanut butter and eggs.
DAIRY Most dairy products that do not have added ingredients are naturally gluten-free. People with gluten sensitivities can eat milk products, cream, yogurt and butter. Gluten is often added to flavored yogurts, however, and cheese spreads commonly utilize ingredients containing gluten. Packages of prepared dairy and egg products should be clearly labeled gluten-free or consumers should be familiar with lists of ingredients to determine the safety of the prepared food.
SWEETS Sugar is a natural gluten-free food and can be eaten in most any form that doesn't include wheat or wheat byproducts in the list of ingredients. Foods such as jams and marmalade, some brands of chocolate, honey, molasses and syrup are typically gluten-free.
REFERENCES Celiac Disease Foundation Vegetarian Society Jackson Siegelbaum