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It characteristics offer unbiased three-state pWM 2020-05-14 03:41:58

Analog Gadgets LTC7060 50 % Bridge Driver drives N-channel MOSFETs inside of a half-bridge configuration with source voltages as much as 100V. It characteristics offer unbiased three-state pWM enter logic. The special floating architecture would make the gate driver outputs robust and less sensitive to floor noise.

Discover our half bridge driver, with excellent ruggedness and noise immunity, they are perfect for motor drives, home appliance and battery powered applications.The symmetric style and design permits the half-bridge switching node being inverting or non-inverting with the enter logic. With 0.8Ohm pull-down and 1.5Ohm pull-up capacity, the robust outputs conveniently push the massive gate capacitances of large voltage MOSFETs with incredibly brief transition occasions.

The adjustable turn-on and turn-off delays let process optimisation for top efficiency and dependability. Adaptive shoot-through defense stops existing ensuing from MOSFET cross-conduction. UVLO circuits on the two the VCC supply and floating driver supplies switch off corresponding exterior MOSFETs and pull down the FLT pin when an Undervoltage issue is present.

The product features exceptional symmetric floating gate driver architecture and higher sounds immunity, tolerates ±10V floor difference between input and output grounds. The driver delivers an open-drain fault indicator and is readily available in thermally increased 12-lead MSOp. AEC-Q100 automotive qualification is in progress.Common apps include automotive and industrial electrical power programs, telecommunication electrical power methods, and half-bridge and full-bridge converters.


The six integrated MOSFET half bridges

Vital parameters are adjustable to make certain optimal effectiveness

Built-in Common Car-Lock Controller Boosts Basic safety

Half-bridge driver for automotive, industrial and telecommunication fields

Analog Devices LTC7060 50 % Bridge Driver drives N-channel MOSFETs

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