受邀为西交大1987届毕业生30年再聚首主题诗填作英文版,因适用所有高中大学同学聚会,特此发表。。(On the Reunion of Xi'an Transportation University Class 1987‘ Three Decades Post Graduation)
愿你走出半生, Returning at midlife after commenced so young as last seen, 归来仍是少年。 wish you still retaining that glamor of a teen. 韶华纵然已逝, Though youth has slipped away, 情系长安依然。 Our emotional tie to Changan never shaky.
乡音丽影华发, Distinct accents, beautiful memories and vibrant hair, 往事回首无眠。 I'm sleepless as recollections kick in high gear. 劝君更进美酒, Let's toast and ignore the time gone, 饮水勿忘思源。 celebrating our roots and all we've done.
有缘相识卅载, Having known for three decades as a fond coincidence, 鹏程万里梦圆。 a dream reunion around the world across the distance. 今朝为情重聚, We gather for our common bond today, 你我永远少年! you and me forever young despite turning a tiny gray! |