| 天堂里的另一天(Another Day in Paradise) 许多年前第一次听到这首歌,就被其悲冷凄凉,忧伤抑郁的旋律所打动。而今再次欣赏,我想如果有人要将一首歌谣献给全世界无家可归者,非此曲莫属。 歌曲象一首叙事诗,通过Phil Collins充满感情的歌声,表达了对弱者的同情和对“天堂”社会里的阴暗面的思考. 柯林斯嗓音浑厚、充满激情,深受歌迷喜爱。这是菲尔·柯林斯1990年的力作之一,荣居排行榜冠军数周,从而奠定了菲尔在西洋流行歌坛“抒情才子”的宝座地位。无论词曲创作、制作与演唱,他也以独具的才情展现出许多音乐人永无法企及的成绩。歌中描写了一个流离失所、无处过夜的女子向过路人求救却遭拒绝的一幕,是一首具有很强现实主义情怀的歌曲。歌中唱到: “你能看到她脸上的皱纹, 你可以想像她在那里已很久, 或许她曾被迫四处漂流, 因为她找不到安身之所。” 菲尔说:相比之下,我们就像生活在天堂一样,而帮助这些可怜的人,只是我们应该做,而且也能够做到的事情。 天堂里的另一天(Another Day in Paradise)歌词 She calls out to the man on the street, “Sir, can you help me? It's cold and I've nowhere to sleep, Is there somewhere you can tell me?” He walks on, doesn't look back, He pretends he can't hear her, Starts to whistle as he crosses the street, Seems embarrassed to be there. Oh, think twice, It's another day for you and me in paradise. Oh, think twice, It's just another day for you, You and me in paradise, Just think about it. She calls out to the man on the street, He can see she's been crying, She's got blisters on the soles of her feet, She can't walk, but she's trying. Oh lord, is there nothing more anybody can do, Oh lord, there must be something you can say. You can tell from the lines on he* **ce, You can see that she's been there. Probably been moved on from every place, Because she didn't fit in there. Oh, think twice, It's another day for you and me in paradise. Oh, think twice, It's just another day for you, You and me in paradise, Just think about it. 天堂里的另一天中文歌词 她向街道上的一名男子求救 “先生,你能帮帮我吗?” “天气很冷,我无处容身 有没有什么地方可以让我住下来?” 他向前走去,没有回头 假装没听到 在过马路时吹起了口哨 好像对自己经过那里而感到丢脸 噢,仔细想想 对你我来说,每天都像是在天堂的另一日 噢,仔细想想 对你我来说 不过是天堂的另一日 她向街道上的一名男子求救 他看得出来她一直在哭 她的脚底长了脓疮 不能走路,但她试着去走 噢!上帝,难道其它人都无能为力? 噢!上帝,你一定有话要说 你可以清楚的看见她脸上的皱纹 你也曾经看过她在那里很久了 她大概曾经四处迁徙 因为她找不到可落脚的地方 是啊,人间四月天固然是无限美好的,然而天若有情天亦老,人间也有着无尽的悲和痛,充斥着我们的自古和未来,不是吗? |