最雷人的是,在网上看到的一位叫做“怪侠一条毛”的网络高人所改写的英文版《帝女花之香夭》。他完全就是把中文的唱词一个字一个字的生翻硬译成英文,比如“帝女花”就直接翻译成“princess flower”。而且为了迁就音乐旋律,还有许多的文法错误。这位怪侠的唱功更是超级的雷人,直让人听得热泪盈眶。我一直都以为“没有最雷只有更雷”这句话是正确的,但是现在听到这个版本,我才发现我错了,原来在这个神奇的世界上还是有一些能够称得上是“最”的东西存在的。
帝女花 Princess Flower
(女) 倚殿阴森奇树双 Gloomy place, double strange trees
(男) 明珠万颗映花黄 Ten thousand pearls reflect the yellow flowers
(女) 如此断肠花烛夜 Oh such a tragic wedding night.
(男) 不须侍女伴身旁 下去 I dont need maidservants to accompany beside me. Leave the stage
(女)落花满天蔽月光 Falling flowers hide the moon ,
借一杯附荐凤台上 borrow a cup to put on stage
帝女花带泪上香 Princess brings tear for mourning,
愿丧生回谢爹娘 wish to die to thank parents
我偷偷看 偷偷望 I seek and seek, seek and seek
佢带泪带泪暗悲伤 He shed tear to express sorrow.
我半带惊惶 怕驸马惜鸾凤配 I am so afraid, afraid he cherishes our love
不甘殉爱伴我临泉壤 Does not want to go to hell with me.
(男)寸心盼望能同合葬 鸳鸯侣 相偎傍
wishing we can die together, true lovers, together
泉台上再设新房 地府阴司里再觅那平阳门巷
In hell we marry again, underworld we searching for the bright secret way.
(女)唉 惜花者 甘殉葬 花烛夜 难为驸马饮砒霜
Ai, flower girl, wish to die, wedding night, to make fu ma drink poison.
(男) 江山悲灾劫 感先帝恩千丈
Country in chaos, thank the king, for his grace
With wife both give thanks to the king
(女)唉 盼得花烛共谐白发 谁个愿看花烛翻血浪
I wish for growing old together, who wishes to see wedding fills with blood?
唉 我误君累你同埋孽网 好应尽礼揖花烛深深拜
I affect you, make you, fall in the trap, we ought to know the rule and deeply pray .
再合巹交杯墓穴作新房 待千秋歌赞注驸马在灵牌上
And touch cups again, tomb is wedding room
For thousand songs to praise the man on the tablet.
(男)将柳荫当做芙蓉帐 明朝驸马看新娘
Treat the tree as wedding bed, Ming time fu ma sees bridal.
Midnight I want to look at your face
(女)地老天荒情凤永配痴凰 愿与夫婿共拜相交杯举案
World will last long, phoenix will find her mate,
She and her man will make love in the midnight.
男)递过金杯慢咽轻尝 将砒霜带泪放落葡萄上
Hold the gold cup, slowly drink it, Let poison and tear put on top of grape.
(女)合欢与君醉梦乡 Happy with him in the dream,
(男)碰杯共到夜台上 Touch cup on the night tower
(女)百花冠替代殓装 Flower crown replaces my shirt
(男)驸马珈坟墓收藏 Fu mas tomb will be hidden.
(女)相拥抱 Together
(男)相偎傍 Hug and hug
(合)双枝有树透露帝女香 Double branches will reflect Princess smell.
(男)帝女花 Oh Princess
(女)长伴有心郎 Stay long with her man
(合)夫妻死去树也同模样 Couple dies and tree will stay the same.