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台湾加入联合国天经地义 2022-01-17 03:01:01




若承认中国大陆是一个主权国家,那么,同样也必须承认台湾是一个主权国家,因为台湾具备所有主权国家的要素:领土、宪法、总统、军队、外交…尽管国际社会有很多国家口头上不承认中华民国台湾政府,但是,他们用实际行动认可了中华民国台湾政府的合法性。他们甚至对中华民国公民比对中国大陆公民更加优待,如免签证入境。所以,中华民国台湾早就已经是一个事实上的主权国家,不管承认与否 都是一种客观的存在!










It's only right and proper for Taiwan to Join the United Nations

Chen Shuhan January 17, 2022 

When it comes to China’s political power structure, the correct attitude should be to separate the mainland and Taiwan. It is an objective fact that the mainland regime and the Taiwan regime are two completely different regimes in nature, whether in terms of law, ideology, or political and economic systems. The so-called People's Republic of China, whose sovereignty and territory are limited to the mainland, does not represent Taiwan at all and cannot represent Taiwan either; likewise, the territory and sovereignty of the Republic of China today are limited to Taiwan and the islands of Jinmen, Mazu, and Penghu. This is the objective reality of the regimes on both sides of the Strait today, and no one can deny it.  

If mainland China is recognized as a sovereign state, then Taiwan must likewise be recognized as a sovereign state because Taiwan has all the elements of a sovereign state: territory, constitution, president, military, diplomacy... Although many countries in the international community verbally do not acknowledge the government of the Republic of China in Taiwan, in practice they have accepted the legitimacy of the government of the Republic of China in Taiwan. They even treat ROC citizens more favorably than mainland Chinese citizens, e.g., visa-free entry to Taiwan passport holders. Therefore, the Republic of China in Taiwan has long been a de facto sovereign state, whether recognized or not, she is an objective existence!  

Regarding the seat of the mainland regime in the United Nations, the 1971 UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 itself is linguistically flawed: the restoration of the legitimate rights of the People's Republic of China... The fact is that the People's Republic of China was established in 1949 and had not joined the UN before 1971. Since it never joined, there is no such thing as restoration. One can only say that the UN accepted the PRC as its new member in 1971, the only legitimate representative of the mainland Chinese regime in the UN, and this is the expression that corresponds to the facts. How can the People's Republic of China represent Taiwan when it has not ruled Taiwan for a single day until today?!  

It is also a fact that since 1949, the territory and sovereignty of the Republic of China have been limited to Taiwan and the islands of Jinmen, Mazu, and Penghu. From 1949 to 1971 the mainland was under the control of the People's Republic of China, and although the Republic of China remained a member of the United Nations during this period, it could no longer represent mainland China indeed!

The United Nations should accept the objective fact that there is only one China in the world and that this China consists of two parts, one being the mainland and the other being Taiwan and the islands of Jinmen, Mazu, and Penghu. Because of this, Taiwan is fully qualified to join the United Nations according to the UN Charter, because the UN has set such a precedent actually and became a practice long ago! 

The United Nations accepts that there is only one Germany in the world, and at the same time accepts the objective fact that this Germany consists of two parts, East Germany and West Germany, which are non-subordinate, reciprocal political entities and members of the United Nations; similarly, the United Nations accepts that there is only one Korea in the world, and at the same time accepts the objective fact that this Korea consists of two parts, one is the Republic of Korea and the other is the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. The two political entities are not subordinate to each other and both are members of the United Nations.  

What's more, both Ukraine and Belarus belonged to the former Soviet Union when the former Soviet Union was not yet dissolved. However, the United Nations accepts that there is only one Soviet Union in the world, and even if both Ukraine and Belarus belong to the former Soviet Union, Ukraine, and Belarus can still join the United Nations separately and become members, allowing the former Soviet Union three votes in one country in the United Nations, which are objective facts too!  

Therefore, there is absolutely no reason for the United Nations to shut out the Republic of China in Taiwan, which is too unfair to Taiwan! Moreover, the Republic of China was originally one of the founding members of the United Nations, and although it has lost its territory and sovereignty over mainland China since 1949, the Republic of China is still a real political entity after retreating to Taiwan, and as the sole legitimate representative of the Taiwan regime, it is only right to return to the United Nations!  

The Republic of China (ROC) was the legitimate regime that inherited the territory and sovereignty of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) and was once the only legitimate government representing the whole of China. It had been a major force in the world war against fascism and made a great contributor to the cause of world peace and human progress. The Chinese Civil War of 1946-1949 caused the ROC to lose its territory and sovereignty in mainland China, but not its territory and sovereignty in Taiwan. The Republic of China as a whole is legitimate, and Taiwan has a natural legitimacy when it is part of that whole. This is like a contract, the invalid part can no longer be trusted and fulfilled, but the valid part of this contract, it must be duly honored and implemented as usual, which is a universal concept and value, and a widely accepted code of conduct in a civilized society.  

The Chinese Communist regime has no reason to obstruct Taiwan's membership in the United Nations. Since the Chinese Communist regime recognized both East Germany and West Germany, it still recognizes both South Korea and North Korea for the time being. Both North and South Korea are members of the United Nations, and North and South Korea are not subordinate to each other. Although both North and South Korea claim sovereignty over the whole of Korea, neither is true. Similarly, mainland China and Taiwan are not subordinate to each other. China's claim to sovereignty over Taiwan is just an empty claim, not a fact. If the claim can be taken as valid, then the Republic of China in Taiwan has more standing to claim the territory and sovereignty of all of China, because the Republic of China once owned all of China. Today, the Republic of China in Taiwan respects the objective reality of cross-strait partition and the historical fact that the Republic of China has lost its mainland territory and sovereignty, and no longer makes illusory claims to possess mainland territory and sovereignty, proposing that the two sides of the Taiwan Strait are political entities that are not subordinate to each other. This political perception is pragmatic and faithful to history and it respects reality, which is fully consistent with the norms and practices of international law. Unlike the Chinese communist state, which never abides by international rules but only imposes its views on others, it is inevitably isolated in the international arena!  

After 1949, the government of the Republic of China retreated to Taiwan and worked hard for more than seven decades to build Taiwan into a civilized, democratic, and wealthy nation, a model of constitutional government in Asia. At the same time, Taiwan's economic and technological achievements have been world-renowned. The people of Taiwan enjoy a high degree of human rights, freedom, and democracy that mainland China will never be able to achieve. If the United Nations can accept an authoritarian regime of no human rights such as mainland China as a member, what’s the reason on earth to deny membership to a civilized and democratic state like Taiwan?

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注册日期: 2022-01-17
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