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中共的本质是邪恶 2023-09-06 03:07:03

陈叔涵 2023年9月6日










The Essence of the Chinese Communist Party is Evil

Chen Shuhan September 06, 2023

It has been more than a century since the founding of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), yet many people have never seen clearly the essence of the CCP, and not only have they not seen clearly, but they even have illusions about it. This is entirely the result of the stupidity of the common people by the CCP over the past seventy years or so. It must be said that the CCP's brainwashing has been very successful, and it has pushed the indoctrination education of China's authoritarian society for thousands of years to the extreme: the majority of the Chinese people know they are being fooled, but not only are they willing to be fooled, but also they are fooling themselves! To make an inappropriate analogy, lady Pan Jinlian was sexually assaulted by Ximen Qing, and her lawful husband, Wu Dalang, not only would not feel ashamed at all, but praised Ximen Qing for his excellent sexual performance, and repeatedly told Pan Jinlian: you must serve Mr. Ximen Qing to his satisfaction, you see, you can find favor in Mr.Ximen Qing’s eyes, which is the blessing my Wu family has cultivated for eight lifetimes, I, Wu Dalang, have made a huge fortune indeed! Isn't there a joke that a female civil servant who used to be Mao Taizu’s dance partner married a man, and every time her husband made love with her, he would swear an oath respectfully: salute the place where the great leader ever fought!

From this, we can see universal human nature, morality, and ethics certainly do not apply to the CCP because the essence of the CCP is evil. Although human nature has an evil aspect, countless facts have proved the CCP is devilishly evil and is not in the same category as the evil of human beings. People all over the world say the CCP is the biggest bandit and triad organization in human history, a complete rogue and scoundrel, but I do not think so. Because whether they are bandits and triad organizations, or whether they are rogues or scoundrels, they are all made up of human beings. Although what they do is reviled by the world, they still have more or less humanity in them. However, the CCP does not belong to the same category when it comes to what they have done, have done, are doing, and will do. If the CCP had humanity and conscience, they would not be called CCP. Therefore, I would like to advise those who still regard the CCP as bandits and triads to stop insulting bandits or triads, and stop insulting hooligans or scoundrels, for the CCP is not worthy of them! After getting this point, it is not difficult to understand that the CCP is a devil wearing a beautiful mask: the most beautiful words are used by the CCP, and the extremely dehumanizing things are done by the CCP. The deepest disasters in the history of human civilization were made by the CCP, the most inhumane crimes in the history of human civilization were committed by the CCP, and the most heartless destructions in the history of human civilization were carried out by the CCP...... Just in terms of the number of people being killed, the atrocities committed by the Japanese army in Nanking and Hitler's concentration camps are not comparable to those committed by the CCP. The CCP has never treated Chinese people as human beings, and it doesn't care how many people die. MAO Taizu once threatened that China could lose 300 million lives in a nuclear war with the United States. How evil should one be to say such a thing? Are these human words? Absolutely not, such words can only come from the mouth of the devil! The most evil thing about Communist China is, that no matter how far it has gone in wreaking havoc on the country and the people; it is always claiming that they do so in the name of the people!

The representative of the evil of the CCP is Mao Taizu Zedong. Mao Taizu's evil was characterized by the fact that he would stop at nothing to toss the people to their deaths. The point is, he never said that he would play the people to death; on the contrary, he iterated, with every word, he would serve the people. He kept the people on his lips at all times, while all the way in practice, he did trample them on the ground and rub them against the ground at will. May I ask, what could be more evil than this? The controlling art of the ancient emperors in China’s history was played to the hilt by Mao Taizu, but boiling down to a single rule: not let the people eat full, just 30% full is well enough. Because he knew quite well: that people will have ideas when they eat full, and even many ideas; while letting the people starve, the people will only have one idea: to eat! To this day, the CCP still regards food and clothing as human rights, which is really a pity. We cannot help but ask, "Even pigs have food and clothing, and even dogs have food and clothing, while in the era of MAO Taizu, the people had great difficulty in getting enough food and clothing, does it not mean that the people are living worse than pigs and dogs? If human rights are measured in terms of food and clothing, then what is the difference between human beings and pigs and dogs? Mao Taizu's evil was not only to let the people starve but also to prevent the people from thinking, to prevent people from having the ability to think, and to turn people into animals that could only talk. However, the words spoken by the people could never contradict the Maoist Prospectus, so the people had to familiarize themselves with the Prospectus first to ensure that they would not be condemned for their words. Therefore, what the people say is nothing but a copy of Mao's words, just like a parrot repeating human words. In this way, all 800 million people in China spoke Mao's words and couldn’t have their own words and ideas. Only Mao Taizu alone had ideas, and thus, in Mao's time, there was only one head in China, the head of Mao Taizu, as for the rest of the heads, they were just decorations.

The above is only the evil principles of Mao the great-grandfather of the CCP in governing the country and the people, as for the specific facts of his evil, it is too numerous to mention here. However, we cannot forget the hundreds of millions of innocent lives that were tortured to death by Mao Zedong; what’s more, the historical facts are right there and they can never be forgotten.

In the name of the people Mao Taizu wreaked havoc on the country and harmed the people to an outrageous extent, then, Mao's successor Deng Taizong was less bad than Mao in terms of committing evil?  Not at all! In the time of Mao Taizu, the Chinese people were talking animals, and in the time of Deng Taizong, the Chinese people were still talking animals, with no fundamental difference, except that the rope around the neck of the animals was loosened a little. For this reason, many Chinese believe that Deng Taizong Xiaoping was much more benevolent than Mao Taizu Zedong, and they even said Mao made the Chinese people stand up and Deng let them get rich. As a matter of fact, only Mao stood up in the era of Mao Taizu, while the rest of the people kneeled down; in the era of Deng Taizong, only a small portion of the powerful and those attached to the powerful got rich, while the vast majority of the people remained in poverty. It must be admitted that during the time of Emperor Deng Taizong, the living standard of the Chinese people did improve a lot; at least, the deaths from starvation were rare. But this does not mean the devil's evil nature has changed; it only showed Deng Taizong played a little more skillfully than Mao Taizong, and he was still fooling and oppressing the people in the name of the people. Deng Taizong boasted that he was the son of the Chinese people, which made a group of fools excited, thinking the good times were not far away. Who would have thought that Deng's so-called letting a small group of people get rich first was a downright big lie? Nowadays, those small groups of people are incredibly rich while the majority of people are trying all means just to get enough food and clothing. This is exactly where Deng is superior to Mao, you see, the people’s life in Mao's time was worse than dogs and pigs, while the people’s life in Deng's time was like dogs and pigs, which was a tiny bit of progress anyway. Brain-dead people always brag about how great Deng Taizong's reform and opening-up policy has achieved, however, they never think about who actually picked the fruits of reform and opening-up policy. The result of reform and opening up is that wealth has been concentrated in the hands of the powerful as well as small groups of people in collusion with the powerful, and this is exactly the truth of Deng's claim of letting a small group of people get rich first. The vast majority will never get rich under the rule of the CCP because the evil CCP is trying all means to dig up the wealth of the vast majority and concentrate it in the hands of a small group of powerful and rich people. This, then, is the original intention of the CCP, and the original intention of the CCP has never changed and will never change! The guns, pens, and knives in the hands of the CCP are all tools used by the CCP to seize the people's wealth, that is, to share the people's wealth, to cut leeks in the fashionable words of the time. The so-called not forgetting the original intention is not forgetting to share the people's wealth, in other words, not forgetting to cut leeks. The most evil thing is, while the CCP is cutting leeks, it is always shouting that it must serve the leeks!

Deng Taizong and Mao Taizu were contemporaries, and Deng was Mao's follower. The extent of Deng Taizong's evil is not much too different from that of MAO Taizu, and it can only be said that how the two carry out their evil is different. It is like flirting with a woman, Mao Taizu is a bully while Deng Taizong speaks a flowery language with candy in hand, and the result is actually the same. In terms of killing the Chinese people, Mao Taizu was to throw them directly into a boiling pot while Deng Taizong was to boil them like frogs in warm water, and both came to the same end. Only, because of the difference in the character of Deng and Mao, the way of presenting their evil differs. Mao Taizu, domineering, liked to eat alone, so in the Mao Taizu era, only Mao could be corrupt, other people were not allowed, or the disaster of death would fall on them. Most people said it was clean in the Mao era, and there were no corrupt officials, which is a big fallacy. In fact, it was not the officials that did not want to be corrupt but the whole of China had been monopolized by Mao Taizu, not only the whole of China's material wealth but even the whole Chinese people's right to speak and think, who else then dared to snatch the bones from the tiger's mouth? Deng Taizong was shrewd and tactful and was good at sharing the benefits with his colleagues. He knew the CCP got the regiment not by Deng Taizong alone, all the meritorious ministers who participated in seizing the power were qualified to share the regiment, which is traditionally called seizing the power and enjoying the power. In ancient times, it was a family that sat on the throne, but now it is multiple families that sit on the throne together, thus the wealth of the CCP regime is in the hands of 200 or so families, and if people outside this circle want to enter, they have to be valued by the bigwigs of the circle first, and then they have to make every effort to lick the bigwigs on their knees, to create a connection with the circle, such as a connection of benefit or a connection of genitals. Otherwise, there is no way for them to rise. No matter how good you are, no matter how hard you work, you are grassroots in the end. Because of the evil nature of the CCP, universal logic will only be regarded as heresy in a society dominated by the CCP, and it will be beaten to death with a stick.

After Deng Taizong, the CCP regime went through two periods, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao, which are in fact the continuation of Deng Taizong's era. It is no wonder that many people divide the CCP regime into three eras, Mao Taizu's era, Deng Taizong's era, and Xi Qingfeng's era. Although Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao do not have the red genes in their blood, they can stand out from the evil system of the CCP, certainly, they are implanted with a lot of evil genes, or they cannot enter the system, even if they barely enter, they also cannot hold their position steady, and will not gain power too. Jiang Zemin, in particular, had been persecuting Falun Gong practitioners and harvesting organs alive from them, such deeds can be described as heartless, thus his evil is no less than that of Mao Tazu and Deng Taizong. It is not accidental that the trade in human organs is rampant nowadays and Jiang Zemin is the one who started it all. The evil of Jiang Zemin is also carried out in the name of the people, as evidenced by his three representatives. Since Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao do not have any red genes in them, they are just the butlers of the CCP, therefore, the author does not include them in the genealogy of the emperors of the CCP regime, but their evils are inherited through the same continuous line which originated from Mao Taizu and Deng Taizong.

Now let's take a look at the CCP regime's mastermind of evil, Emperor Qingfeng or Emperor Xi Aidi. The reason why Emperor Qingfeng became the greatest master of evil in the CCP regime is that apart from being a tossing guy like Mao Taizu, he was also a liar and a trickster like Deng Taizong. Not to mention, he has taken one step further in the CCP’s evil endeavors and pushed it to an unprecedented new height: abandoning common sense and logic, and taking the country and society completely off track. The facts of the ten years in Xi’s rein, since Xi Qingfeng ascended to the throne, have proved that, in terms of governing the country, he is useless, and it is not wrong to call him a pig's head; in terms of grasping power and manipulating power, he has been happy and obsessed with it, and he is crazy for power definitely. Qingfeng emperor vowed to vigorously develop the economy, but at the same time, he disregarded the common sense in the economy. Everyone in the world knows employment is the most important factor in the economy, and a slump in employment will inevitably lead to a lack of consumption, and a lack of consumption will definitely result in a depressed market and an economy that cannot function properly. Qingfeng Emperor knew the importance of employment, but he deprived massive people of employment opportunities by driving away a large of foreign investors and factories through the introduction of a series of national security laws and counter-intelligence laws, still, he didn’t forget to suppress private enterprises with an iron fist, resulting in a large scale closure of private enterprises and withdrawal of one foreign company after another. Who doesn’t know, that it is foreign-funded enterprises and private enterprises that provide people with huge employment opportunities, but paradoxically, the Qingfeng emperor preferred to force the people to lose these opportunities...... This is just the example that the Qingfeng emperor ignored economic common sense, as the examples of his denial of military common sense, diplomatic common sense, and common sense of handling ordinary life, would be too numerous to list. The most evil thing is that no matter how Qingfeng Emperor abandoned common sense and logic, he also always scourged the country and the people in the name of the people. Such as the roof of a school building collapsing and crushing the students to death, which is to benefit people, releasing floods without any warning to destroy people’s homes and land, which is in the people's interest, and even excessive levies and expropriations from the people are conducted for the sake of people too...... In short, the Qingfeng emperor puts the people on his lips all the time: the people are the regime, and the regime is the people, guarding the regiment amounts to guarding the people, just a pity that, according to the logic of the Qingfeng emperor, fighting regime is fighting the people...... However, the logic applicable to human society never applies to the devil's world, that is, the CCP’s world!

As the facts indicated above, we can see that the CCP has been full of evil in every pore from the moment of its birth, and it began to intensify its evil after seizing power of the country, mainland China has been held by evil. It is precisely because of the evil nature of the CCP that the CCP is doomed to perish. Times have changed, and evil will eventually be overcome by righteousness, which is determined by Heaven, and even the devil will be subdued by Heaven. Nowadays, Emperor Qingfeng is leading the CCP to run wildly on the road to extinction, let us wait and see!


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作者:恨中 留言时间:2023-09-12 08:09:25






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