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有枪公民的fighting chance 2012-07-24 22:45:04





1. Marine opens fire in apartment parking lot

An Oklahoma City marine who was on leave suddenly began opening fire in the parking lot of his apartment complex late last year. Witnesses said he originally tried to go into the apartment complex’s main office, but after employees locked him out, he started to fire his gun in the parking lot. As he was firing, another citizen with a concealed handgun came around the corner and ordered him to drop his weapon. It worked and no one was hurt.

2. Restaurant owner shoots, kills armed robbers

Just a few short days ago, 2 suspects walked into a restaurant to order food. When the employee opened the register, one of the men pulled a handgun and threatened the employees. The suspect then reached over the counter and grabbed the money. He then turned and pointed the gun toward the owner of the restaurant who was sitting at a table in the middle of the restaurant. The owner pulled out his own gun, shot the criminal in the chest, and killed him.

3. Man killed in attempted robbery

In November 2009, career criminal Kevin Duane Dudley walked into an Alabama business with a sawed-off shotgun to commit armed robbery. Thankfully, some shoppers were able to distract Dudley long off for the owner of the store to retrieve his gun and defend himself. The owner ended up shooting and killing the criminal. Dudley had been tied to several other robberies in the area as well as a recent murder.

4. Two armed robbers get shot during home invasion

When two masked men with guns broke into his home and pointed their weapons at one of the residents, Cody Buckler immediately took action. He retrieved his gun from upstairs and began shooting at the criminals. The crooks fled the scene, leaving a trail of blood behind them. The criminals were eventually apprehended.

5. Mass shooting stopped by armed volunteer security guard

In December 2007, Matthew Murray pledged he wanted to kill as many Christians as he could. The 24-year-old went to New Life Church in Colorado Springs and opened fire, killing 4 people in the process. Thankfully, an armed security guard was able to get his her weapon and shoot Murray several times, stopping him from killing any others. However, in the end, it was Murray’s own self-inflicted gunshot that ended up killing him.

6. School shooter stopped by armed college students

In 2002, a shooting at Appalachian School of Law left 3 people dead. However, the shooter was stopped before he could kill any more people. Thankfully, 2 students were able to run to their cars, get their guns, and use their weapons to halt the rampage.

7. Grandma stops intruder

When 69-year-old Ethel Jones heard her doors rattling at 3 a.m., she grabbed her gun from underneath the pillow next to her. She ended up finding an intruder inside her bedroom, forcing her to shoot the teen in the abdomen. The teenager survived and faced charges of second-degree burglary.

8. Pizza Hut delivery driver says his gun saved his life

An unnamed Pizza Hut delivery driver started carrying a legal concealed handgun to work after being robbed twice in the last 2 years. Just last week, he was robbed by 2 armed men inside the restaurant. The men pistol whipped him and as they started to lift the driver’s shirt exposing his gun, the worker pulled out his weapon and opened fire. He said he had no other choice but to act and save his life.

Do you think private firearms stop more crimes than they cause?

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作者:随笔1 留言时间:2012-07-25 04:26:13

你这几个案例是从”NakedLaw” 网站上弄来的吧?- http://nakedlaw.avvo.com/2010/10/8-horrible-crimes-stopped-by-legal-gun-owners/

这是NRA (National Rifle Association)典型的宣传。NRA的另一个观点“枪不杀人, 人杀人” 好象也被你运用了。 以此类推, “炸药不杀人。。。” 此类观点已经迂腐, NRA 近来也开始慎用了。

如果没有枪支, Homes前两天就不太可能造成这么大的伤亡。 挪威人Anders Behring Breivik也不可能杀害77条人命。

从犯罪心理学上来说, 枪支把杀害变的不那么血腥,开枪杀人没有和受害者的肢体接触,杀人者受到的心理压力远远低于把一把刀子插入人的肉体。 只是扣动扳机而已。这也从犯罪心理学角度解释了下面所提供的数据:

country --------firearm related death -----homicides----- suicides (per 100,000)
United States----10.27---------------- 4.14-------- 5.71 (ranked 12th worldwide)
Hong Kong------0.19---------------- 0.12-------- 0.07 (benchmark)

source: wiki


Compared to other industrialized countries, violence and firearm death rates in the United States are disproportionately high. Of the approximately 50 upper- and middle-income countries with available data, an estimated 115,000 firearm deaths occur annually and the U.S. contributes about 30,000.8 Among industrialized nations, the U.S. firearm-related death rate is more than twice that of the next highest country . The firearm death rate in the U.S. is eight times the average rate of its economic counterparts. -

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作者:沙之舟 留言时间:2012-07-24 23:02:07

From the New Hampshire Union Leader:

MANCHESTER – Bullets flew outside the Uptown Tavern early yesterday when a peeved patron began shooting at a doorman after being thrown out of the club. The shooter himself was shot twice by an armed customer who rushed to the bouncer's defense, a club owner and police said.

The shooter had missed doorman Chad Ryan after firing about four shots at him in the 1301 Elm St. club's parking lot when the alleged gunman was himself hit twice by the unidentified patron who returned fire about 12:45 a.m., said club co-owner Dave Somers.

An armed citizen does more in the span of ten seconds to get a violent criminal off the streets than all of Boston Mayor Tom Menino's gun buybacks, task forces, and bigoted gun licensing policies, combined.

I'm shocked.

The wounded suspect, identified by police as Eliezer Encarnacion, 26, and his companion -- both of whom were thrown out of the club moments earlier -- ran from the parking lot up Myrtle Street with an angry group of club patrons in pursuit.

Well, I'll be damned. Wearing running shoes might just be a good idea, after all.

Encarnacion was about six to eight feet from Ryan when he fired the first shot, hitting the door frame, Willard said. When the second shot rang out, a male customer inside the bar realized what was happening and intervened, he continued.

"He feels the bouncer's life is in danger and he produces his own firearm and proceeds to return fire," said [Det. Lt. Nick] Willard, who credited the patron with saving the doorman and possibly even Brown from being shot.

Or, he could have ducked behind a table and called 911, as called out in Chapter 1 of the "Self Defense for Liberals Handbook". Sure, innocent people would be killed before he hit the "9", but at least the coroner's office could get a headstart on sending a clean-up crew to the scene.

Police withheld the patron's name while they continue their investigation, which will include an inquiry into whether his use of deadly force was justified.

Club employees were not aware the customer -- described as a regular patron -- was carrying a concealed weapon, Somers said.

That's pretty much the whole point of it. Hence, the phrase "concealed weapon".

"I'm not okaying it. But if he didn't, probably my doorman would be dead," Somers said.

A small price to pay, in the eyes of the Ted Kennedy's of the world, to realize their dream of transforming the greatest nation on earth into a totalitarian police state, where only those in high positions of power will enjoy the right to have their lives defended by the use of firearms.
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作者:皇上 留言时间:2012-07-24 23:02:00

朕也比较懒,也不翻译了,只觉得如果能把你这些报道中的“gun” 这个字拿掉,好像这些报告也不会有了。


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作者:沙之舟 留言时间:2012-07-24 22:55:24

What Columbine SHOULD have been
October 24th, 2005
(What Columbine COULD have been!!)

By Ann Coulter

Remember this name: Thomas Glenn Terry. It won’t be bandied
quite as much as “Mark O. Barton” over the next few weeks,
but it should be. Two armed men burst into Shoney’s restaurant
in Anniston, Alabama and herded the patrons and employees into
a walk-in refrigerator, at gun point. The robbers kept the
manager behind for his assistance as they looted the
restaurant. One patron, however, also remained behind.
Thomas Glenn Terry had opted against being locked in a
refrigerator, and hid from the attackers under a table.

As one of the armed robbers ransacked the cash register,
another patroled the restaurant. When he came across
Mr. Terry, he pulled his gun.

But unlike the recent victims in Atlanta, this victim
was armed. Using his own legally concealed handgun,
Terry shot and killed the robber. The other armed robber,
who had had his gun trained on the manager, then opened
fire on Terry. Terry shot back, mortally wounding the
second robber. The two dozen hostages were released
unharmed. Only the criminals — who had been armed
with stolen guns by the way — didn’t make it out alive.

You probably hadn’t heard of the Shoney’s restaurant
incident. In the media’s boundless capacity to stultify
the public with sensational news stories, they have made
places like Littleton, Colorado household names. But
“Anniston, Alabama” doesn’t ring a bell.

A massacre is a story. Thwarting a massacre isn’t.
once you know about Anniston, and similar averted tragedies,
something will start to leap out at you as you read news
accounts of gunmen shooting scores of innocents. Massacre
stories always include a terrifying account of how the killers
proceeded from victim to victim, pausing to reload, and
shooting again. Mass murder requires that the victims be

Thomas Glenn Terry, though heroic, is not altogether
unique. Two years ago in Pearl, Mississippi a deranged
student shot and killed two of his classmates. Fortunately,
Joel Myrick, the assistant principal had a gun in his car.
He prevented the shooting from becoming a Littleton level
massacre by holding the student at gunpoint until the police

A year later, in Edinboro, Pennsylvania, a 14-year-old boy
opened fire at an eighth-grade graduation dance, killing a
teacher and wounding three others. A single murder did not
become a mass murder only because a near-by restaurant owner,
James Strand, happened to be armed. As the shooter stopped
to reload, Strand immobilized the shooter, holding him for
over ten minutes, until the police appeared. A lot of killing
can be accomplished in ten minutes when none of your victims
is armed.

How long did it take the police to arrive in Atlanta?
Barton walked into one office building in Atlanta shot four
people dead, then left the building, ambled across the street,
entered another building, and killed at least five more people.
As in Littleton there are film clips of policemen scaling the
building’s walls to rescue terrified and completely defenseless
people inside.

Most striking in the news reports of Barton’s shooting
spree was this: Fully three hours after the shooting, some
people were still hiding in the building. Hiding. Waiting
like pigs before the slaughter. Because none of them was
armed. None but the madman.

But for some reason, the government’s response is always to
disarm more citizens. Not to disarm itself, by the way, but
to disarm people other than the police who show up 15 minutes
after the shooting has begun. This isn’t a complaint about the
police, they simply can’t be everywhere at once. It’s a plea
for more citizen guards. There may be bad citizens, but, let
me remind you, there are also bad police. Why are they the
only ones don’t have to hide in their offices when madmen
with guns show up?

More guns will not create more Mark Bartons. Guns can do a
lot of things, like protect you from lunatics, but they don’t
make you criminally insane. Consider Mr. Barton. The initial
reports have been that he killed his children because his stock
porfolio had declined. Well, that’s a rational response. Whether
it was his stocks or his wife or the weather — he killed his

This is a madman. In the absence of a gun, he could
have used an axe, a bomb, or a machette. One of the most
efficient murder sprees this century was accomplished not with
guns, but with machettes. Madmen in Rwanda murdered almost
one million people in under four months, with machettes.

If only Thomas Glenn Terry had been there.
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