整个辩论象选美(或比丑)乃是Style Over Substance. Let me steal sth from other people:
“it was amusing to watch president Obama cite all of the things he agreed with Romney on, while watching Romney do a much better job at pretending there were big differences.To be sure, there are some differences. Romney pledges to blow more money on military spending than Obama. Can he deliver? Probably not. At least let's hope not. On the other side of the fence, it was sickening to watch Obama pledge to waste more money on education. However, it was even more sickening watching Romney pledge to do the same thing in a different way. If Republicans really believed in smaller government, we would have it. How many years were they in control of both houses and the white house and fail to deliver? Obama pledged to close Guantanamo and stop torture. Did He? In practice, is Obama much different than Dick Cheney?”