1. 曹雪葵诗作《天净沙 相思桃露》 谁赠藏枕宝珠? 梦中帆影姑苏, 思到深时莫苦, 融成桃露, 春风人在归途。 A Translational Relay of Cao Xuekui's Poetry “Pure Sands in the Sky Format: A Peachy Spirit of Longing" Who bestowed this pillow-hidden precious jewelry? A reminder of the Gusu dreams and sailboat story, longing so profound that pain evaporates away, condensing to a mellow peach smoothie, the spring wind is prompting him back from his journey.
2. Queen诗作《长相思 母亲河》英译 母亲河,生命河,百战不屈降怪魔。流经蔡家坡。 天罗罗,地罗罗,罗网张开粮万坨。炎黄儿女多。
“Miss You Forever Verse: The Mother River" By Queen of the State of Qin
The mother river, a lifeline river, never yields during wartimes as all devils tremor. A slope on its bank named after the Cai clan as the original settler. Joining the sky from end to end, zig-zagging through the gigantic land, a transverse mesh of countless grain barns stand. The nurtured Chinese civilization is historically grand.
3. 《长相思英文版:黄河》和诗人于文子 "Missing You Forever Verse: The Yellow River" Pure river, jade water, Winds leisurely like a crawler. I was born as a warm-hearted glitter. Dirt river, rough water, Pounds violently to a thunder. My face has changed to a cold-blooded monster.
4. 绿岛阳光和豌博合作中英双语《七律 过春节》 诗作:绿岛阳光 豌博 北海南极千亿院,交杯举筷庆新年。 金羊头领火猴路,美酒香结亲友缘。 电话诚祝心意换,红包广放富财传。 江河九曲遥遥阔,不尽乡情故土篇! 译者注:诗人绿岛阳光侨居大不列颠,心系祖国,欣慰炎黄子孙遍及全球,同庆欢度传统的大年节日,浮想联翩,一气呵成。
“Seven-Worded Verse: Celebrating the Spring Festival" Original Poetry by: Drs. Green Island Sunlight & Pisum English Translation by: Dr. Pisum Billions of home yards from South Pole to Arctic Ocean, toasting for the lunar new year with chopsticks flying. The golden goat head conceded to the fire monkey, wine aroma fueling bond between friends and family. Greetings transmitted while hearty love being shared, red envelopes widely distributed as big money wired. Twisted rivers in our vast yet remote country flowing on, how can we sing enough about own beloved hometown!
5. 《鹧鸪天 见终南山图片有感》 诗作:雨飘柔 太乙巍巍翠壑重,悠悠胜地露真容。 酒仙随月归山下,诗佛寻斋入霭中。 诗万首,酒千钟,风情雨韵意无穷。 帝都脚下才人聚,翘盼佳音能进宫。 译者注:诗人偶见一终南山图片,因从未涉足这个圣山,便感慨万千,联想到酒仙李白曾在终南山下凡,并有诗佛王维曾在山中寻斋,前世今生,诗兴大发。
"Partridge Sky Format: Revelations from a Picture of Zhongnan Mountains" By Rain Floating Gently Here is the rugged and evergreen Taiyi mountain majesty, the true face of a serene and historical resort manifests. An alcoholic guru and his moon descended the mountain, a poetic buddha once lost in its misty air to find lodging. Poems in ten grands, a thousand wine toasts, unrelenting love and passions resonate rain and winds. A massive talent pool lying outside the imperial capital, all tuned in anticipation of the Palace's invitational call. |