Bible As One Story
Bible is one magnificent inclusio about God and His eternal plan. Indeed by His almighty power, He will complete what he started. If you do a Bible skim, you probably can get four obvious themes: creation of the world, curse of sin, Christ the Redeemer, consummation of all things. The last book of the Bible tells us Jesus is going to come back, and tells us there is going to be an end of everything as the beginning of everything, for better or for worse. By the end, everyone will get what their hearts really desire because God honors their desires. If one wants nothing to do with God, he will be separated from God for good. If one wants to be a child of Heavenly Father, he will be with Him forever. Check what your heart really desires.
整本聖經是一個關於神和祂的永恆藍圖的輝煌故事,祂會以偉大無比的神聖能力,成就祂的大計。 縱覽聖經,你會發現四個明顯的主題:創世,罪帶來咒詛,基督的救贖,萬事的結局。聖經的最後一本書不僅告訴我們耶穌要再來,還告訴我們萬事以終結做為它們的開始,或是好的開始,或是糟的開始。最後時刻,每個人都會得到他心中真正的所想所求,因為神尊重人心的終極渴望。如果一個人不想跟神扯上關係,這個人就會和神永遠隔離。如果一個人想當父神的孩子,這個人就會和神永遠在一起。 查看一下你的心渴想什麼。