June 2 早上6点从温哥华出发,开车到达西雅图机场,存车,乘搭10:15am 的飞机,12:54pm 到拉斯维加斯。简单采购后,开车去Bryce,晚上住Bryce 的motel. June 3 早上可以看Bryce日出,走1. Angel's Landing (要提早申请), 2. Narrow, 大家带上短裤凉鞋预备淌水 June 4 早上离开前可以去Grand Canyon, Zion, 半天,然后开车去Page, 晚上住Page camping ground June 5 从Page 营地开车到达波浪谷,波浪谷一天 June 6 从Page 营地去鲍威尔湖,乘船游,要预先订好船 备选方案,从Page to 羚羊谷,Antelope Canyon, 要预先订,或者走trail June 7 从Page 到马蹄湾 Horseshoe Band - Marble Canyon - other Slot Canyon - Las Vegas or St. George June 8 Flight to Seattle then drive to Vancouver. 1:55pm flight.