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Reflection on Revelation 20:1-10 2016-03-21 18:59:26

Revelation 20 has stirred up more controversy than any other part of the book. The reason for that is the subject of the Millennium, the 1000 year rule of Christ. The view you will hold on this chapter depends on your view of the Millennium. When is the time period of the Millennium? I found no clear answer. The entire Bible is true and profitable, but some portions are less clear and should be defended with grace. We should study diligently and seek to understand all of God's Word. We can agree to disagree without being disagreeable. Ultimately, we trust God with details that are challenging to reconcile. Believers can be unified around comforting, solid truth in this chapter, which includes that God is in charge, Christ is the victor and Satan is the loser.

In this chapter, God triumph over Satan comes in two stages. First, Satan is imprisoned for 1,000 years. Then, he is set free for a short time and makes a final assault on God and His people. Finally, he is defeated forever.

John said that he "saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. He seized Satan ... threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him" for a thousand years. God didn't wrestle with Satan like He wrestled with Jacob. God only send an angel, an unnamed servant to bound him easily. Satan is God' opponent, but not His opposite, there is no comparison between them. Satan's power is limited by the mighty hand of God. God's angel expels Satan from the earth "to keep him from deceiving the nations." This evil figure was described by four names here: the dragon, that ancient serpent, the devil and Satan. Elsewhere, John's Gospel has named him a "murderer," a "liar and the father of lies." Satan intends for all to live deceived. He is a "prowling lion looking for someone to devour" constantly. Here, he is confined in Abyss, has no way to deceive anyone during the Millennium.

After John witnesses the powerful restraint of Satan, he next sees "thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge." Who are these judges John mentioned? Jesus told the church in Laodicea, "To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne." Jesus also promised the faithful believers of the church in Thyatira that they would rule the nations. John sees before him the souls of those who gave their lives for Jesus, and who refused to worship the beast and take his mark. This group of people includes not only martyrs, but also all who refused to worship anyone or anything but God. This seems to fulfill Jesus' promise to His people that they will share in His rule and reign. Revelation chapter 5 says, "with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation. You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth." All those purchased and redeemed will come to life and reign with Christ for 1,000 years. "This is the first resurrection." I believe this resurrection includes all believers. "The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended."  Who are "the rest of dead" that have no right to rule and reign with Christ during the Millennium? I believe they are the unbelievers. There appear to be two resurrections referred by verses 4 and 5, one before and one after the Millennium. The first one is the resurrection of God's people and the second is of "the rest of the dead," of all unbelievers. 

We might not agree on the time line of the Millennium. But we must acknowledge that, "Blessed and holy are those who have part in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with Him for a thousand years." Believers have received the blessing of God's grace in redemption. They are set apart as God's own people, declared "holy" through faith in Christ. They closed their eyes on earth only to open them in heavenly realm. A glorious experience awaits them when they enter Christ's Kingdom as resurrected. There will be no dread of physical death, which was in the past. The second death, God's eternal condemnation, holds no threat because Christ experienced judgment in their place.

What would it be like to live on earth with Jesus physically present as King and with Satan bound? The King is perfect. The law and order are perfect. The King will have the power to enforce His law since "He will rule them with an iron scepter." The rulers are going to rule perfectly too because they are going to follow the King of Kings' order. But there are problem. The people they are going to rule are not all good citizens. There are some unbelievers who are still living or being born during that time. They will retain mankind's sin nature and display the reality of human depravity. Sinners are capable of sin and rebellion against God, even apart from the influence and deception of Satan. I think they have the chance to choose to obey God or obey self. They will be tested, even while living under the perfect rule of a loving King and leadership of believers. How will they respond? Are they going to choose right? Or they are going to choose wrong like Adam and Eve did?

In God's perfect plan, Satan will "be set free for a short time" at the end of the Millennium. He "will go out to deceive the nation in the four corners of the earth, ... to gather them for battle." How could Satan rally rebellion against Jesus Himself, who governs the earth in utter righteousness for 1,000 years already? I guess if you can figure out why Adam and Eve rebelled against the loving God at the first place, you will get the answer. Those people are proud in their hearts. Their pride blinds their spiritual vision. They want to rule by themselves. Satan takes advantage of their sinful desires and suggests more and more lies to them. He began his career on earth with the first deception of human beings, and ends just as he began. Satan will lead all unbelievers who are alive at that time to defy Jesus in a final, futile attempt to overthrow the purposes of God. This innumerable company of rebels will gather from around the globe to surround the "camp of God's people, the city he loves." The word "camp" reminds us of the pilgrim status of the people of God, even in the Millennium. This earth is not our home for good.

The rebellion is a brief one. "Fire came down from heaven and devoured them. And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night forever and ever." Satan's defeat, irrevocably secured on the cross of Jesus, will be consummated after the Millennium. Satan's deceit leads to his ruin and his followers'. God's truth leads to His victory and His people's. Be confident that the purposes of God always prevail in our life and in His world.



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【思语 Sharing】
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· Karen的分享#17:公婆受洗
· Karen的分享#16:两部电影
· Karen的分享#12:我的见证
【not used】
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【not used】
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· Karen讲故事#67 摩西的遗嘱 2
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