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Love Christ through all the Scriptures  
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儿童圣诞剧 2016-05-01 20:28:39

Musical Drama for Christmas

Act 1 Scene 1

Mary is asleep on the floor near a wall. Piano plays "O Come, O Come,

Emmanuel" softly.

Narrator 1: Each year we rejoice at this time, in the wondrous story of the

birth of Jesus, the Son of God. Let us hear first how Gospel begins the


Narrator 2: Long, long ago in a city of Galilee called Nazareth lived a

lovely maiden named Mary. She was betrothed to a righteous man by the name

of Joseph. One night, Mary had a marvelous visit from a heavenly messenger.

Gabriel: (enters behind the wall) Hail. Mary!

Mary: (awaken, show fear) who are you? What do you want of me?

Gabriel: Fear not, Mary. You are most blessed among all the women on earth.

You have found favor with God.

Mary: With God? Are you a messenger from God?

Gabriel: I am the angel Gabriel, sent to bring you great news. You shall

soon conceive and have a Son. His name shall be Jesus, and He will be

called The Son of God.

Mary: But how can this be?

Gabriel: By the power of Holy Spirit you shall bear a Son.

Mary: Behold. I am the servant of the Lord. As you have spoken, so shall

it be. With God all things are possible.

Gabriel: God be with you, Mary. You shall be blessed for your faith. (exits

behind the wall)

Mary: (kneeling) Glory to God! Praises to His most holy name! I am truly

blessed. (exits behind the wall)

Act 2 Scene 1

Joseph kneels and prays on the floor near a wall. Piano and Chorus continue

to play and sing "O Come, O Come Emmanuel"

Narrator 1: The angel Gabriel was a busy messenger these days. He had

foretold the birth of John the Baptist to Zacharias and Elizabeth, and the

birth of our Savior to Mary. Now another soul was in need of news from


Joseph: (praying) Dear Lord, help me! My beloved Mary is with a child. How

can this be? She says that this is from God. I want to believe, but my

heart is heavy with grief.       Help me, oh God! (cover face with hands,

drops to bed. falls asleep.)

Gabriel: (whispering) Fear not, Joseph. Take Mary as your wife. She has

been chosen to     be the mother of God's only Son. His name shall be

called Jesus. And you, Joseph, shall be His guardian. Sleep well, Joseph,

Trust in Lord. (Exits)

Joseph: (waking from sleep) What dream was this? Was that truly an angel?

(on knees) Praise be to God! He has answered my prayers! Yes, I shall take

Mary as my wife. And she shall bear the Holy Child, the Son of the Most

High. His name shall be Jesus. I am truly blessed among men!

Narrator 1:  So Joseph took Mary as his wife, just as the lord had

directed. The time drew near when Mary would soon give birth to the Baby.

Narrator 2:  But Caesar Augustus had decreed that entire Roman world should

be taxed. Everyone was to go to the town of his birth to register. Joseph

and Mary had to journey to Bethlehem.

Act 3 Scene 2

Bethlehem-Joseph and Mary travel around led by a star.  Chorus sings

"Twinkle, Twinkle little star".

Twinkle, Twinkle, little star,

What a lovely guide you are!

Leading Joseph through the night,

Making Mary's footsteps bright,

With your gentle, loving light

On that holy Christmas night!

Narrator 1: So on and on went Joseph and Mary until finally they arrived in

Bethlehem. And what a noisy, crowded place it was. Joseph and Mary did not

expect this.

Joseph and Mary go from inn to inn knocking on doors, being turned away,

finally one innkeeper opens the door.

Joseph: Please, Sir. We have looked everywhere. My wife is going to give

birth to a child. Don't you have even a small room?

Innkeeper: No! There is no room! There is no room anywhere in Bethlehem!

(close the door)

Joseph sadly bows head, turn back toward Mary.

Innkeeper: (reopens door) Wait! A baby! There's a stable around back. You'd

have to share it with the animals. But it's better than the streets. It's

clean, and there's  fresh hay to lie on. You're welcome to it.

Joseph: Thank you, sir. You're very kind.

Innkeeper: I'm sorry. It's the best I can do. (close the door)

Mary: The stable will be fine. Joseph, let's get settled. This Baby is not

going to wait much longer.

Joseph begins to helping Mary around to the stable. Baby Jesus is born.

Narrator 1: And so, on that holy night, in a quiet stable, was born the

Christ Child, the Savior of the world. It was a humble beginning for the

Prince of Peace. Not in a castle or a palace, but in a lowly stable did the

earth receive God's greatest gift.

Narrator 2: But this holy night was far from over. There would be witnesses

to the glorious birth that the whole world would remember for all time. Not

far from that stable in Bethlehem, some humble shepherds were about to have

an experience that would live in their hearts.

Act 4 Scene 3

Outside Bethlehem in a shepherd's Field. Shepherds were watching flocks.

Shepherd 1: My, it's quiet tonight. I can hardly stay awake. (yawns)

Shepherd 2: I'll bet it's not quiet in town tonight. Did you see the

crowds of people pouring in to be counted for that taxation Rome is


Shepherd 3: Please let's not talk of Rome or Caesar. You'll spoil a

perfect beautiful evening. (yawns)

Shepherd 2: Why don't all of you go to sleep for a while.  I'll watch the


Herald angel enters the scene. Shepherd 2 shrinks in fear, waking the


Herald angel: Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that

will be for all people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born

to you; he is Christ the Lord.

Shepherds: How shall we know Him? Can we go and see him?

Herald angel: This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in

cloths and lying in a manger.

Shepherds: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom

his favor rests.

Herald angel exits. Chorus sings:

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

What a lovely guide you are!

Leading shepherds to their Lord.

Staying while they all adored.

With your gentle loving light

On that holy Christmas night!

Shepherds walk to Jesus and kneel.

Narrator 1: God has brought the first news of Christ's birth not to mighty

kings or rulers, but to humble shepherds. God's greatest gift of love was

not given to a few, but to all people, far and near.

Narrator 2: Three wise men from the East had seen a star and followed it

to Jerusalem searching for the new born King.

Act5 Scene 4

Three wise men holding gifts walk in by following the star. Chorus sings:

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

What a lovely guide you are!

leading wisemen to their king,

Shining on the gifts they bring,

With your gentle, loving light,

On that holy Christmas night!

Wise man 1:  Sir, we come in peace, searching for the newborn King of the


Joseph: You are welcome. Peace with you!

Wise man 2: We followed his star from the east. This must be the Child.

Joseph: You are blessed!

Wise man 3: Let us present gifts to Him. We offer Him gold, frankincense

and myrrh.

Joseph: We thank you for these gifts. We will treasure them for his use.

Wise man 1: Farewell. We must leave now and we have news to spread.

Wise man 2: May others find the Savior as we did.

Mary: Farewell, good men. May God bless you.

Narrator 1: Now that wondrous story of the birth of Jesus had been

heralded to both the humble and noble alike. There is much, much more. It

has been told and retold through all the years since then.

Narrator 2: So the story never ends, but lives and moves in our hearts and

our children's hearts forever. Let us all sing together to express our

greatest joy, which is finding Him and following Him.

Chorus sings:

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

What a lovely guide you are!

Leading us to our Christ.

Making our hearts all so bright.

With the love that Jesus brings,

On that holy Christmas night!

Everyone sing together while some playing instruments*

"Twinkle, twinkle, little star"

"Love is when"

Love was when God became a man,

Locked in time and space, without rank or place;

Love was God born of Jewish kin;

Just a carpenter with some fishermen;

Love was when Jesus walked in history,

Lovingly He brought a new life that's free,

Love was God nailed to bleed and die

To reach and love one such as I.

Love was when God became a man,

Down where I could see love that reached to me;

Love was God dying for my sin

And so trapped was I my whole world caved in.

Love was when Jesus met me, now it's real;

Lovingly He came, I can feel He's real!

Love was God, only He would try

To reach and love one such as I.

The end

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注册日期: 2016-03-12
访问总量: 117,722 次
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【Reflection on John】
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【思语 Sharing】
· Karen的分享#20:跟车护航
· Karen的分享#9:別样年味
· Karen的分享#10:人生的乐章
· Karen的分享#15:等待末日
· Karen的分享#14:今年的父亲节
· Karen的分享#13:真假圣旨
· Karen的分享#18:博物馆闲想
· Karen的分享#17:公婆受洗
· Karen的分享#16:两部电影
· Karen的分享#12:我的见证
【not used】
· Karen讲故事#40:创世记故事后记
· Karen讲故事#39:以色列下埃及
· Karen讲故事#38:约瑟恕兄
· Karen讲故事#37:约瑟拜相
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· Karen讲故事#32:底拿的悲剧
· Karen讲故事#31:雅各的故事之五
【not used】
· Karen讲故事 69 祝福与辞世
· Karen讲故事#67 摩西的遗嘱 2
· Karen讲故事#66:摩西的遗嘱 1
· Karen讲故事#65:准备进迦南
· Karen讲故事#64:真假巴兰
· Karen讲故事#63:摩西举蛇
· Karen讲故事#68 摩西的遗嘱 #3
· Karen讲故事#62:摩西击石
· Karen讲故事 # 61:可拉之乱
· Karen讲故事#60: 十二个探子
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