刚从雅虎读来的足以反映美国佬可爱之处的小文。翻译水平有限, 仅供乐一乐 .
“This is HONESTLY A REAL CONVERSATION going on next to me between Americans right now at Heathrow Airport.”
| A: This is my first time in Europe.
| (感叹地)第一次踏上欧洲土地。
| B: England isn't part of Europe. They didn't want to be.
| 拜托了老兄, 英格兰可不是欧洲的一部分. 他们根本就不愿意被称作欧洲人.
| A: Then what are the main countries in Europe? Germany and Portugal?
| 靠! 英格兰不属欧洲,那欧洲有些神马国家? 就德国和葡萄牙?
| B: No, it's Germany and... Britain.
| 错, 英格兰不在欧洲, 是德国和…(想了一想) 不列颠.
| A: But isn't this Britain?
| 见鬼! 这里不就是不列颠吗?
| B: No, this is the United Kingdom.
| No, 这是联合王国.
| A: So where is Britain on the map? It must be right next to the United Kingdom?
| (真它麻的搞糊涂了) 那么请问不列颠究竟处在地图上神马位置? 它应该是在联合王国的右边(注:经网友指正,right next to 翻译有误,应该是旁边之意) 必须的,不是吗?
| B: Yep.
哈哈哈哈, 美国佬太可爱了.