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唐山打人事件是中共又一次邪恶的阳谋 2022-06-19 01:27:58

陈叔涵 2022年6月19日






The Tangshan Beating Incident is Another Open and Evil Plot of the Chinese Communist Party

Chen Shuhan June 19, 2022

Since the Chinese Communist Party gained power, nothing it wants to do is not an open conspiracy: turning China into the world's largest prison in the name of liberation; killing landlords in the name of land reform in a grand manner; robbing urban capitalists of their wealth in the name of socialist transformation of industry and commerce in the bright daylight; creating a famine and starving tens of millions of people in the name of the Great Leap Forward; fighting and killing tens of millions of people in the name of the Cultural Revolution; making a few powerful people rich in the name of reform and opening up;  in the name of suppressing counter-revolutionary riots, unarmed students and citizens were killed in Tiananmen Square; 1.4 billion people were confined to their homes in the name of epidemic prevention. ...... The Tangshan beating incident on the 9th of this month, like the above-mentioned evil actions, is a naked conspiracy!

First, the Chinese Communist Party deliberately hyped the incident. Generally speaking, if an event is a conspiracy, the CCP certainly does not want the public to know about it, but the CCP did its best to publicize the event, which shows that it was not carried out secretly but openly. If the Chinese Communist Party did not want the incident to be known to the public, then the public would have been kept in the dark. The fact is that not only did the public know about the incident, but it was also hyped up. If the Chinese Communist Party hadn't deliberately hyped the incident, it would never have been hyped to the extent it was! Even if the webmaster had neglected to let the story spread online for a few minutes, once the CCP felt that the story was bad for the CCP's image, the story would have been blocked immediately and the officials would have dispelled the rumors right away, accusing the story-teller of malicious dissemination of false information. This is the CCP's usual way to deal with unfavorable information, because the CCP controls the media and will block all information that is unfavorable to the CCP, and will never let it spread.

Second, the spread of the incident is beneficial to the CCP. Such evil events happen every day in China, and this incident is certainly not an isolated case, but because of the Chinese Communist Party's tight blocking of the Internet, similar events go unnoticed. Why is the spread of this event beneficial to the CCP? Because the incident is extremely horrible. It is rare to see someone molesting a woman in public and beating her to death in broad daylight, even a hundred years ago. However, since the Chinese Communist Party has been ruling China, such things have become commonplace. The Chinese Communist Party is best at terrorizing people, and any heartless terrorist activities in the world are not worth mentioning in the eyes of the Chinese Communist Party, because those terrorist activities cause at most a few hundred or a few thousand deaths, but the terrorist activities created by the Chinese Communist Party are often the ones that kill millions of people and bleed thousands of miles. The CCP knows that the most direct way to make people obey is to create fear, and the bigger the fear and the wider the audience, the better the effect of obedience. The terror caused by the Tangshan beating was huge, which is good, but if only a few people know about it, it will only affect a small percentage of the population and create fear in only a small percentage, which obviously does not achieve the CCP's goal. It is only natural that the incident should be widely publicized and hyped up, as the CCP wants to instill fear in the entire Chinese communist nation. How to dispel the fear? The only way is to rely on the Party and the government to do justice and punish the murderers severely! In this way, the Chinese Communist Party has become the security of the people, and the Chinese Communist Party has made the people understand that if the people leave the Chinese Communist Party, not to mention other things, even their lives are not protected. Unbeknownst to them, the CCP is the root of all fear. Through this operation, i.e., first creating fear and then acting as a force to combat it, the value of the CCP is maximized: the people need the CCP! This is the real reason for the CCP's deliberate hype of this incident, you see, only when it is needed, does the CCP have the basis and necessity to exist.

Once again, the whole process of the incident and its handling was controlled completely by the CCP. Life's experience tells us that even a gangster would have a sense of proportion when molesting a woman in public, not to beat her up when molestation fails, which is against common sense. However, the video shows that the perpetrators have no qualms, brutal, and beat the victim to death, as if the murderer and the victim had a mortal hatred against each other, while the truth is that the murderer and the victim do not know each other. Obviously, someone authorized the murderer to just hit, even if killing the victims,the murderers also have a backstage to help set things right! Otherwise, the perpetrators are not so hard to beat, everyone knows that human life is a matter of life and death, but the perpetrators actually do not take human life seriously, which is not in line with human nature, can only say that someone to help the killer act this way. Who would dare to back up such a thing? Only the Chinese Communist Party, of course, and no one else, because there is nothing evil in this world that the Chinese Communist Party dare not do! After the incident, the murderer was quickly caught, but the victim's condition is still unknown, and the masses are left to speculate. Any information about the victims must be officially announced, and no one dares to release information about the victims. The punishment of the murderers is also at the discretion of the CCP. No matter how the murderers are punished, even if they are sentenced to death, the CCP still has a way to keep them alive, because what the CCP does is not monitored, the CCP can do whatever it wants!

The CCP is the largest terrorist organization in the world, and as long as the CCP does not die, the Tangshan beating incident will come up from time to time according to the CCP's needs!

浏览(6575) (45) 评论(1)
作者:福田自耕 留言时间:2022-06-19 10:37:25

Reasonable analysis!

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