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谢盛友 (You Xie)  
德国前副总理罗斯勒跳槽到海航集团 2017-11-09 13:18:46




据德国媒体报道,曾任德国副总理及经济部长的菲利普•罗斯勒(Philipp Rösler)辞去日内瓦的世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum/WEF)总裁,自2017年12月1日开始,罗斯勒将负责海航集团有限公司的海南省慈航公益基金会(英文:Hainan Cihang Charity Foundation Inc)的工作,海航集团成立于2000年1月,产业包括航空、实业、金融、旅游、物流和其他相关产业。2017年,海航集团名列世界500强的第170名。

菲利普·罗斯勒(德语:Philipp Rösler;1973年2月24日-),德国政治家,隶属于自由民主党。出生于越南共和国庆兴市,位于今天越南南部的朔庄省。2009年2月18日至2009年10月27日担任下萨克森州经济、劳动与交通代理部长。2009年10月28日起,他是默克尔第二届内阁成员,曾担任德国联邦卫生部部长。2011年至2013年担任德国自民党主席。




The Hainan Cihang Charity Foundation, a New York City-based foundation established by the HNA Group, a Chinese conglomerate, has told the New York attorney general's office that it will not register as a fundraising organization, Bloomberg reports.

In response to a letter sent by New York State attorney general Eric Schneiderman at the end of July advising the foundation, which recently received shares worth $18 billion from the Chinese conglomerate, to register with the state's Charities Bureau within twenty days or explain why it could not, the foundation said it would register instead as a nonprofit organization that merely holds, rather than solicits, funds. "Our client has not and does not intend to solicit charitable contributions in New York State, and therefore executive law registration is not required," attorney Michael Lehmann said in the letter. Foundation spokesperson Matt Benson told Bloomberg that the charity received its first $5 million donation in March, and that the donation, and future funding, would come from company sources.

Allen Wu, another lawyer for HNA and the foundation, previously had told Bloomberg that the foundation could not register with the AG's office until it had received its 501(c)(3) designation from the Internal Revenue Service, which was pending. However, Amy Spitalnick, a spokesperson for the attorney general's office, noted that "©haritable organizations are required to register regardless of their tax status."

Schneiderman also is seeking detailed information about the foundation, including the names of its officers and affiliates. The largest Chinese investor in the United States, the Hainan-based HNA Group has faced increased scrutiny ever since Anthony Scaramucci, the short-lived White House communications director, announced in January he was selling his hedge fund to an HNA subsidiary. That deal has been delayed by the Treasury Department's Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S., which vets sales of American assets to foreign buyers. HNA's announcement that as a result of the $18 billion share transfer, 52 percent of the company is now owned by Cihang foundations, including a 22.8 percent stake held by a sister charity in China, has raised further questions about its murky shareholder structure and political connections.


Der frühere Bundeswirtschaftsminister und FDP-Chef Philipp Rösler verlässt das Weltwirtschaftsforum (WEF) und wechselt zum chinesischen Mischkonzern HNA. Rösler werde zum 1. Dezember Chef der gemeinnützigen Stiftung des Unternehmens, bestätigte ein WEF-Sprecher.

Die im Juli in New York gegründete Hainan Cihang Charity Foundation ist mit 29,5 Prozent der größte Einzelaktionär der HNA-Gruppe, die wegen ihrer undurchsichtigen Konzernstruktur und ihrer Einkaufstour im Ausland bei Aufsehern und Banken unter besonderer Beobachtung steht.


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作者:pzzdm 留言时间:2017-11-10 05:43:21


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