老土讲洋文 (二), 简化, 再简化 Ming Cheng 网上有关于直大师的一段英文的讨论, 很有意思。 实话实说,直大师的英文是相当不错的。 出口成章。 按道理,这样的题目老知青是插不上话的。 不过为了旺坛,也来凑凑热闹。 改别人东西总比自己写容易。:-) 本来语言就是个性化的东东,谁写都有自己那样写的理由。 俗话说, 太太是别人的好,文章是自己的好。 文章本来就没有什么高下之分,只有不同之处。 所以如果我来写,可能会写成这样: It's an interesting and prospective argument in light of preservation and utilitarian, when sovereignty claims are primarily determined on the basis of occupation and control of underlying territories. Those of us who have seen the green vegetation in Israel in the middle of vast Arabian deserts may be sympathetic to your argument. The more applicable argument,however, should be made on a completely different basis. It’s about the legitimacy of the current Chinese government, in my view. Hehe. legitimate 的意思可能与上下文有冲突。ownership 和 sovereignty claims 有重复。 重复的东西不能相互做为 base. use 也可以删去。 其他小地方也学习简化了一下。 BTW, 如果这个argument 成立的话,中国其他领土是不是也有同样的问题? 以后我们民主政府再来收回是不是很麻烦? just kidding here,. :-) 个人浅见,浅见。 各位不必当真。 直大师原贴: It's an interesting and legitimate argument from a preservation and utilitarian point of view, way ahead of our time, though, when sovereignty claims are primarily determined on the basis of occupation, control, use, and ownership of underlying territories, neither on virtue nor benefits as a result thereof. For those of us who have been to the Middle East and seen the green vegetation in Israel in the middle of vast Arabian deserts, we may be sympathetic to your argument. But the argument more applicable here should be made on a completely different basis. It’s about the legitimacy of the Government currently ruling China, in my view. Hehe. 林克:http://bbs.creaders.net/life/bbsviewer.php?btrd_id=2470413&btrd_trd_id=768714 |