他下面说的就是我说的叠加态。 对电子路经跟踪测量跟踪也是所谓观察者效应的一种。我以前在灵机和这里都说过,如果你一路跟踪电子,(你当然是用仪器跟踪)那么它就不会有衍射,这跟什么人的意识完全无关。 比如人用枪能杀人,和人的意识能杀人,完全两回事啊。 我说的靶壁也是一种观察,在那里波函数塌缩,是一般内行的说法。 这还不算物理文献,只是科普的级别, 让大家比较容易读懂. 但比一般的网站靠谱, 不要在网上找到一段话就当真理。在任何物理文献中都不会有人的意识决定实验结果这样的说法。 这完全是外行话。至于有的科学家一直想在公共场合扮演上帝,那是另一回事。一些西方科学家试图用科学证明上帝,是一个老传统。 物理界早就把宗教和物理分开了。
Department of Physics University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Q:the theory of observing changing the observed - Anonymous (age 55) seward, mpls A: In quantum mechanics we learn that the behavior of the very smallest objects (like electrons, for example) is very unlike the behavior of everyday things like baseballs. When we throw a baseball at a wall, we can predict where it will be during its flight, where it will hit the wall, how it will bounce, and what it will do afterward. When we fire an electron at a plate with two closely spaced slits in it, and detect the electron on a screen behind these slits, the behavior of the electron is the same as that of a wave in that it can actually go though both holes at once. This may seem odd, but its true. If we repeat this experiment lots of times with lots of electrons, we see that some positions on the screen will have been hit by many electrons and some will have been hit by none. The observed "interference pattern" for these electrons is evidence of their dual wave-particle nature, and is well described by thinking of each electron as a superposition of two "states", one that goes through one slit, one that goes through the other. To add to this already mysterious behavior, this interference will only happen if both possible paths that the electron can take are not distinguishable. In other words, if we could somehow tell which slit the electron went through each time, we would no longer get the interference. The act of making a measurement of the electrons path fundamentally changes the outcome of the experiment.
In physics, the term observer effect refers to changes that the act of observationwill make on a phenomenon being observed. This is often the result of instruments that, by necessity, alter the state of what they measure in some manner.