这是我以前一位同事贴在她Linkedin的网页上的。我看过以后,觉得真的很受启发。 在生活和工作中, 真的归根结底就是这一句话:
如果能做到这点,那么,如文章所言,你也会有美好的生活和未来。 文章如下。希望你也喜欢而且得到启发。
The Most Powerful Habit You Can Imagine By Bruce Kasanoff
Last year, I set
out to come up with a single sentence that could guide both my career
and personal decisions. It turned out to be, Be generous and expert, trustworthy and clear, open-minded and adaptable, persistent and present."
Only after months of living by these words did I realize
that all these elements came down to a single powerful habit, which is
to start every interaction by thinking: help this person. Let me explain...
Generous means to start every personal interaction with three words in your head: help this person. When you answer the phone, when someone knocks on your door, when you
get introduced to a new colleague, your first instinct should be to help
that person. Yesterday I was driving my 14-year-old son back from a
school event and I made an observation about the event that wasn't
entirely positive. His response was, "How is that helping this person?"
quick exchange taught me two things. It's not enough to say you are generous, you actually have to work hard every day to live that way. I'm
trying hard, but it is challenging, I admit. But more importantly, I
learned that my son now has these words in the front of his mind, and
that is a very good thing.
Expert means to be
talented enough in certain areas that you can help others in a
meaningful manner. This is where many people completely miss the mark. The main reason to become a expert is not so you can make more money; this attitude will limit your potential. The main reason is so you can
help more people, more often.
Trustworthy means
to be someone others turn to both in times of need and of opportunity.
In such moments, other people are especially vulnerable and they need to
know you will not only respect their confidentiality but also deliver
on your promises.
Clear means that you fully understand your role is to be someone who helps with a purpose. You
aren't just a Good Samaritan; although your first thought is to help
others, you also have a set of goals to achieve for yourself, your
family and your organization. You make it easy for others to understand these goals. In this way, you will have the time to help others and
still be able to accomplish what you need to do.
Here's a really tough one: open-minded means that you are willing to help people you initially might find
unworthy of help. Yesterday at an event, a woman pushed right past my
colleague and I - who were patiently waiting to talk with the host - to
capture his attention. At first, my thoughts about her weren't too kind,
but as we again waited our turn, it dawned on me that her behavior was
perhaps generated by anxiety or a pressing need, and that she was
probably in such a state of tunnelvision that it never even dawned on
her that we were waiting. People in this state are the ones who need help the most.
Adaptable means that you
are not just a helpful person with a hammer, trying to pound everything
into better shape. When one approach doesn't work, you are willing to
try others. Don't just tell someone, "Here's what I'd do in this
situation." Think hard about the best strategy for helping them, given
their personality, preferences and position.
Persistent means to be serious about helping others, and not just superficial. I'm
not simply suggesting you start holding the door open for more people; I'm suggesting you become a force who helps other people in a
substantive way. The people who need help the most won't be helped by a
ten-second gesture.
Present means to pay
attention to the people around you so that you can spot those who are
struggling, confused or uncertain. Most of us try to put on a good face,
and you need to see past the superficial layer of daily life.
ADD ALL THIS UP, and you become the type of person others love to have around them. You
become someone who listens, who is genuinely interested in others, who
is capable and dependable. Who you are - and how you approach the world -
will change.
And now comes the personal payoff: you will be dramatically more capable of achieving your own purpose.
If you can remember and live by this sentence, you can achieve anything you set your mind to do Anything. Be generous and expert, trustworthy and clear, open-minded and adaptable, persistent and Present." _____________________________________________________ If you want to hear more from me, just click the Follow button below. You can also download my free guides at Kasanoff.com, or read my book with Michael Hinshaw Smart Customers, Stupid Companies. On Twitter, I'm @NowPossible. Image credit: theleticiabertin/Flickr.
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Bruce Kasanoff
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