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巴拿马档案曝中俄等12国政要隐秘财富 2016-04-05 07:49:14



公孙明则认为: 此为数十年来幕后操控机集团之常用戏码,先以金钱腐败使入囊中,然后适时引爆,从中收割取利,百试不爽。



如何运作?有兴趣的朋友可参考John Perkins写的“ Confessions of an Economic Hit Man”,http://www.amazon.com/Confessions-Economic-Hit-John-Perkins/dp/0452287081

来源:CNNMoney (Hong Kong) First published April 4, 2016:5:38 AM ET



文件也披露了疑似洗钱金额达10亿美元、由一家俄国银行经手并且涉及俄总统普京心腹的团伙。Mossack Fonseca 的资料同时也显示,冰岛总理西格蒙杜尔·贡劳格松在该国政府救援银行行动中有未申报的利益。除政治人物外,著名球星梅西以及欧洲足联主席普拉蒂尼等人也在内。

巴拿马档案调查的核心,是一个名叫Mossack Fonseca的机构,这是一个专门办离岸手续的律师事务所。这一律师事务所主要就是帮助开办用以掩藏老板真实身份的离岸公司,并封锁公司内部消息不致流向外界。该公司总部在巴拿马,是全球最不透明的金融中心之一,被视为是洗黑钱的跳板,许多黑钱以及犯罪组织的赃款、贿款都通过这里找到了掩藏之所。



《世界报》及其他媒体核实了数万份Mossack Fonseca律师事务所与他们的雇员之间的内部信件,证实制造离岸公司的人往往比企图整顿和监督金融管理的国际组织走前了一步。


Mossack Fonseca方面回应说,该公司向来遵守国际规定,确保合作成立的企业不会被用来作为逃税天堂、用来洗钱、资助恐怖组织或者其他不法的用途。已经展开适当的调查,并且对任何误用该公司所提供的服务感到遗憾。并说要是察觉可疑或者失当的行为,我们将迅速提报相关当局,同样地,当有关当局持可能失当行为的证据与我们联系时,公司一直都是完全与他们合作Mossack Fonseca表示,世界各地都有岸外公司制度,而且是用于很多种不同的合法用途。


CNNMoney (Hong Kong) First published April 4, 2016:5:38 AM ET

Elected leaders and top officials from around the world are responding with denials and outrage to allegations that they used secret offshore companies and accounts to hide billions of dollars.

The media reports, based on a massive leak of documents, allege the existence of a clandestine network involving associates of Russian President Vladimir Putin, and business ties between a member of FIFA's ethics committee and men indicted for corruption。

The Kremlin has dismissed the allegations as "a series of fibs" aimed at discrediting Putin ahead of elections, while the FIFA official has described them as "ridiculous" and "outrageous." But some governments are acting on the information -- the U.K., France, Australia and Mexico have pledged to investigate for possible cases of tax evasion。

Several news organizations published reports Sunday drawing on more than 11 million documents leaked from a law firm in Panama that allegedly helped set up secret shell companies and offshore accounts。

The documents go back decades and reference 12 current or former world leaders, as well as 128 other politicians and public officials, according to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, which carried out the yearlong investigation in cooperation with more than 100 different news organizations。

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CNN hasn't been able to independently verify the reports and is seeking comment from the most prominent figures mentioned in the reports. Those people are spread across Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa and the Americas。

The documents do not necessarily indicate illegal activity. But shell companies and offshore accounts can be used to mask the origin of financial transactions and ownership. The files include people and companies blacklisted by the U.S. government because of links to drug trafficking and terrorism, according to the ICIJ。

They also suggest that the law firm in Panama, Mossack Fonseca, did not have adequate controls in place. According to the ICIJ, a 2015 internal audit found that the firm knew the identities of the real owners of just 204 of 14,086 companies it had incorporated in Seychelles, an Indian Ocean archipelago often described as a tax haven。

Ramon Fonseca Mora, a co-founder of Mossack Fonseca, told CNN late Sunday that the information published about the firm was false and full of inaccuracies.

In longer statements provided to the ICIJ, the firm said that the parties "in many of the circumstances" cited by the ICIJ "are not and have never been clients of Mossack Fonseca."

It said its role was to incorporate companies and that in 40 years, it had "never been accused or charged in connection with criminal wrongdoing."

A German newspaper, Suddeutsche Zeitung, obtained the files from an anonymous source and shared them with the ICIJ. Eventually, more than 100 other media organizations became involved, including the BBC, The Guardian, Univision and McClatchy。

Here are some of the most high-profile allegations from the reports:


The reports say the leaked documents show the existence of "a clandestine network operated by Putin associates that has shuffled at least $2 billion through banks and offshore companies."

The files describe about 100 complex deals involving a network of Putin allies, including one where the rights to a $200 million loan were sold for just $1, according to the ICIJ. Putin isn't mentioned by name in any of the documents, the ICIJ notes。

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov anticipated the reports last week at a news conference, saying a media "attack" was expected in the coming days. He called the accusations "another series of fibs."

Speaking to state media on Monday, Peskov said the reports were the latest example of "Putinphobia."

"It's obvious that there are many journalists there whose main job isn't journalism," he was quoted as saying.


Still reeling from an ethics crisis last year, FIFA is once again in the spotlight. The reports allege business ties between Juan Pedro Damiani, a member of its Independent Ethics Committee, and three men indicted on corruption charges by U.S. authorities.

The three men caught up in the FIFA corruption scandal are Eugenio Figueredo, a former FIFA vice president, and Hugo and Mariano Jinkis, a father and son who ran a sports marketing business in Argentina。

The leaked files show Damiani and his law firm did work for companies linked to Figueredo, the ICIJ reported. His law firm also served as an intermediary for a company linked to the Jinkis family, it said。

The report doesn't allege illegal behavior by Damiani, but it raises difficult questions for the embattled world soccer body that's trying to clean up its image.

Damiani, who is also the president of the Uruguayan soccer club Penarol, told a local TV station that the reports about him were "ridiculous" and "outrageous."

FIFA said it has begun a preliminary investigation to review the allegations.


The reports accuse the prime minister of Iceland, Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson, of having ties, through his wife, to an offshore company that were not properly disclosed.

When asked about the company during an interview with a Swedish TV channel, Gunnlaugsson ended the conversation and said the journalists had asked an inappropriate question.

Among the firm's more significant holdings were bonds of three major Icelandic banks that collapsed in 2008, according to ICIJ. It said it was unclear how Gunnlaugsson's political activities might have affected the bonds' value。

In a statement later provided to ICIJ, the prime minister's office said the firm in question was merely a holding company for his wife's assets, enjoyed no tax advantages and had been created to avoid conflicts of interest in Iceland。


Argentinian President Mauricio Macri is alleged in the reports to have been a director of a company in the Bahamas that was incorporated in 1998 and dissolved in 2009. His father and brother were also reported to have been directors。

The ICIJ reports that he didn't disclose his link to the company in asset declarations in 2007 and 2008, a time when he was mayor of Buenos Aires.

A spokesman for the president, Ivan Pavlosky, said in a statement that Macri never had a stake in the company.

"President Macri didn't list that asset on his affidavit because he had no capital participation in the company and never had shares in it and therefore he didn't need to include it," he said.

Macri was "appointed occasionally as a director" of the company because it was "linked to the family business group," the spokesman said.

-- Charles Riley, Laura Perez Maestro, Euan McKirdy, Elizabeth Gonzalez and Alla Eshchenko contributed to this report.



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