【公孫明按:輸入中國轉基因糧食推手之始作俑者是鄧小平及其家人,為包括打越南在內之投名狀的一部分,之後由溫家寶大力推動,而後續則由習近平承擔。習近平每年都主動簽購天文數字之轉基因農產品輸入中國。 這批喪心病狂者需要好好的消化這篇文字,並進行反思,因為十四億人的性命和中國的命脈,就操在他們的手裡!
DARPA has a project to have insects spread genes to agricultural crops in one season Overarching Goals and Objectives 1.
Select, modify, and optimize a plant virus that can deliver a genetic
construct to mature target plants and ultimately express novel and
desirable traits 2. Select,
culture, and optimize an insect vector of the engineered virus that can
transport and deliver the modified virus to target plants with high
specificity 3. Transform
intact mature target crop plant species tissues to express novel traits
that help crops thwart expected environmental or biological threats By the end of the 4-year Insect Allies Program: Stably
transform multiple mature crop plants in a complex, multi-species plant
and insect community with enhanced trait(s) of agricultural interest