1) (philosophy) Scientific knowledge; a principled system of understanding; sometimes contrasted with empiricism. 2) (specifically Ancient Greek philosophy) know-how; compare techne. 3) (specifically Foucaultian philosophy) The fundamental body of ideas and collective presuppositions that defines the nature and sets the bounds of what is accepted as true knowledge in a given epistemic epoch
好,有了这些铺垫,我们再来看相应的汉语翻译:科学 vs 格物,尽管科学一词是东洋人首先使用的。“科”字的本意,是“品类、等级”或者“法式;规制 (norms/rules)”的意思,所以“科学”一词,单看字面意思,基本上就是“将(知识)分类”的学问,或者关于“规则”的学问。
如果说古希腊时代 philosophy 更像个和智慧、知识体系有关的“名词”的话,那么 science 一词从中世纪欧洲到现在,则更像一个“动词”:most often refers to a way of pursuing knowledge, not only the knowledge itself (refer to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science,尽管这不必强求成为共识)。从这个意义而言,“格物致知”也是个更好的翻译。