自有互联网已来,事有不明搜一搜是我最惯用的手法,于是等最后一个音符完结,荧幕恢复静止那一刻,我立即上网查找相关资料。由于不知道那首片尾曲的歌名,我先到 youtube 搜该电影的配乐,非常幸运,已经有网友发布了那首歌曲的英文名字是 When the heart dies 。根据所得的英文歌名继续搜找歌词却没有结果。一位网友在 2012 年发过一个帖说曾经将那首歌的英文歌词发布,不知道被谁、因为什么原因删除了。继续“古狗”也毫无结果。于是我尝试其他搜索引擎,终于在俄罗斯最大的搜索引擎 Yandex 找到了,演唱者是原籍波黑,现居维也纳的女歌手 Nataša Mirković。
请欣赏 Nataša Mirković 演唱的 When the heart dies ,英文歌词在视频的下面
You find yourself lost In the world of darkness Light disappear from your eyes The mind becomes empty I Roaming in the shadows forever .... --------------------- When the heart dies Die with him all the meanings of life Go of the happiness inside you Flee the safety of Ahoudank And then become a single " Know us, the loss of beloved Know the meaning of abandonment ... ---------------------------- When the heart dies Turned the fire of love around you The fire burned all the cell in your body Take you to the fire of life Replaced by the devastation Take happiness comes sadness The safety of taking the fear ... ------------------ When the heart dies Become a room full of memories As the days pass these memories die And become just a bare room For diving, but the void .... ------------------------- When the heart dies Wishes to withdraw from your life And step down from office Dreams It remains for you only pain