马里兰强奸案学校的家长反被校方指控“racism and xenophobia”;律师说女孩自愿,居然开始blame川普In the wake of a rape at Rockville High School in Maryland last week, Montgomery County Superintendent Dr. Jack Smith is accusing parents of "racism and xenophobia." Two young men - at least one of whom is in the U.S. illegally - are accused of raping and sodomizing a 14-year-old girl in a school bathroom. Tucker Carlson reported tonight about a series of troubling emails sent by Smith to parents in his district following what Smith has called "the incident." He cited one Smith email, sent Thursday, that says some parents' reactions have "crossed the line." Smith wrote that "racist, xenophobic calls and emails" will not be tolerated and will be reported to the police. Carlson pointed out that Smith speaks out much more strongly about xenophobia than he does about the sexual assault of a minor.
Update: 楼下有mm说这倒打一耙的人渣还要当州里的教育局长,以前还贪腐: https://www.change.org/p/govenor-of-maryland-prevent-dr-jack-smith-in-becoming-maryland-state-superintendent
这有个让他下课的请愿,可以签名! https://www.change.org/p/dr-smith-resign-as-mcps-superintendent?from=groupmessage&isappinstalled=0 辩方律师更是毫无底线: The young victim was allegedly raped orally, anally, and vaginally, 就这样,现在辩方律师还说女孩是"consent“的了!有人会consent三种方式??? “Based on everything we know, we think he’s innocent,” said Andrew Jezic, who has been retained by Sanchez Milian’s family. “This appears to have been a consensual encounter.”
“He’s very humble. He’s soft-spoken. He is somebody who is just grateful to be in this country and wants to play by the rules,” Jezic said.
According to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Sanchez-Milian unlawfully entered the country in August and was ordered to appear before an immigration judge at a hearing that was never scheduled.
现在居然开始blame Trump了,无耻到什么程度才能这样: Attorney for Rockville rape suspect believes “hysteria” around case is a result of “disgusting vitriol that’s been spewed by Donald Trump.” 奥巴马时这种case早就被sweep under the rug了,根本没人提,现在提了,要求采取措施反而变成了“disgusting"?无耻律师什么时候自己照照镜子看看自己多么”disgusting"?