他們兩都殺了人,都說自衛,但結局天差地別,Zimmerman( 以下簡稱 Z )
In the United States, the defense of self-defense allows a person to use
reasonable force in his or her own defense or the defense of others .While
the definitions vary from state to state, the general rule makes an important
distinction between the use of non-deadly and deadly force. A person may
use non-deadly force to prevent imminent injury; however, a person may not
use deadly force unless that person is in reasonable fear of serious injury
or death. Some states also include a duty to retreat, when deadly force
may only be used if the person is unable to safely retreat. A person is
generally not obligated to retreat if in one's own home。
Florida law, as of 2005, includes a "stand your ground" provision, under
which a person who reasonably fears death or great bodily harm is relieved
of the common-law requirement that one first attempt to retreat, if one
can safely do so, before using deadly force.
控方無法否定 Z說法和證據,要否定 Z正當自衛, 控方就要去證明 Z先打Martin,
明的可能是沒有任何意義。所以,juror B37說她給Z判無罪的理由是,He was just
doing his job,but bad judgement。