11/3 日前,拜登 1600000 票,川普 586000 票,是拜登的 37%。 11/3 日后,拜登 393082 票, 川普只有 8126 票,仅是拜登的 2%。 拜登的比所有可能的民主党邮寄选票多了惊人的 47583票! 而川普比可能的共和党邮寄选票少了更惊人的 193626 票!
这样极端的数据,若不是拜登选举日之后疯狂造假灌票,是不可能的。 面对这样的无可辩解的证据,宾州必须申核邮寄选票是否合格,尤其是选举日之后的邮寄选票。如无法确定,则一率当假票抛弃。 那时拜登的“史上最大的选举舞弊集团”必然漏馅,拜登必然大败。
详细分析: 数据证明宾州邮寄选票作弊规模大到漏馅 https://blog.creaders.net/u/6570/202011/389673.html
附一: https://www.electionreturns.pa.gov/
附二: Democrats return nearly three times as many mail-in ballots as Republicans in Pennsylvania https://www.politico.com/news/2020/11/03/democrats-more-mail-in-ballots-pennsylvania-433951 By HOLLY OTTERBEIN 11/03/2020 01:31 PM EST PHILADELPHIA
— Pennsylvania has received more than 2.5 million mail-in and absentee
ballots so far, according to new data from election officials here. That
means that 81 percent of state voters who were sent those ballots have
returned them. To break it down, more than 1.6 million of those ballots
were from registered Democrats, 586,000 were from Republicans, and
278,000 were from independents or third-party voters. This isn’t
surprising or necessarily revealing: Political insiders have expected
for months that Democrats would vote disproportionately by mail, while
Republicans would vote disproportionately in person. One stat
that is interesting, though, is that 84 percent of registered Democrats
who have been sent mail-in or absentee ballots have returned them,
compared with 74 percent of Republicans. When all is said and done,
Kathy Boockvar, Pennsylvania’s Secretary of the Commonwealth, said she
expects to receive as many as 2.6 million mail-in and absentee ballots. A
Philadelphia election official estimated that 400,000 such votes would
come from the city.