只要是总统做的,就不是违法的 -尼克松
拜登派FBI抄川普的家,理由是川普偷藏国家机密,现在更上层楼,要以间谍罪抓捕川普。 仇恨川普的人,拍手庆贺,民主有救了。支持川普的人,义愤填膺,指控民主党又在政治迫害。 双方都忽视了:川普真地犯罪了么? 崇尚美国民主最热情的是阿妞博,沉默几天后发文评论,高兴之间也参杂些耽忧,引来很多跟帖,有一位网友提供了极其重要的信息:文件只要出了白宫,就自动解密。 换言之,川普家里的文件,跟本就不是机密! 这引起本人深度思考,最终推定,确是如此,也不得不如此。 是否机密,最终是靠人判断,而人判断,极可能陷入争辩,最终必须有人拍板。美国只有总统一人是三军统帅,而不是一个committee 统领三军,所以只能是总统为最终的拍板者,所有其它人,都不过是总统赋与他們的权力,总统也可以随时否决他们的决定,自行决定加密或解密。 我如此推导,是因为相信美国还不是土共墙国酱缸,思维是周密的,规定是有逻辑的。 查证之后,果然如此。这已是个老问题,早有答案了。 https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2017/may/16/james-risch/does-president-have-ability-declassify-anything-an/
Experts agreed that the president, as commander-in-chief, is ultimately responsible for classification and declassification. When someone lower in the chain of command handles classification and declassification duties -- which is usually how it’s done -- it’s because they have been delegated to do so by the president directly, or by an appointee chosen by the president. 专家们一致认为,总统作为总司令,最终要负责加密和解密。 当指挥系统中较低级别的人处理加密和解密职责时——通常是这样做的——这是因为总统直接授权他们这样做,或者由总统选择的任命者授权他们这样做。
Robert F. Turner, associate director of the University of Virginia's Center for National Security Law, said that "if Congress were to enact a statute seeking to limit the president’s authority to classify or declassify national security information, or to prohibit him from sharing certain kinds of information with Russia, it would raise serious separation of powers constitutional issues." 弗吉尼亚大学国家安全法中心副主任罗伯特·特纳 (Robert F. Turner) 说:“如果国会要制定一项法规,试图限制总统对国家安全信息进行分类或解密的权力,或者禁止他分享某些类型的信息。 与俄罗斯的信息,这将引发严重的三权分立宪法问题。”
最高法院也已确认: "The President, after all, is the ‘Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States’" according to Article II of the Constitution, the court’s majority wrote. "His authority to classify and control access to information bearing on national security ... flows primarily from this constitutional investment of power in the President, and exists quite apart from any explicit congressional grant." “总统毕竟是‘美国陆军和海军的总司令’”,根据宪法第二条,法院的多数派写道。 “他对与国家安全有关的信息进行加密和控制访问的权力……主要来自宪法赋与总统的权力,与任何明确的国会授权完全不同。”
而且总统可以随时改变任何步骤: The official documents governing classification and declassification stem from executive orders. But even these executive orders aren’t necessarily binding on the president. The president is not "obliged to follow any procedures other than those that he himself has prescribed," Aftergood said. "And he can change those." 管理机密和解密的官方文件源于行政命令。 但即使是这些行政命令也不一定对总统具有约束力。 Aftergood说,总统没有“义务遵循他自己规定的程序以外的任何程序”。 “而且他可以改变这些。”
最好笑的是,只要是总统做的,就不是违法的: The national-security experts at the blog Lawfare wrote in the wake of the Post’s revelation that the "infamous comment" by President Richard Nixon -- that "when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal" -- "is actually true about some things. Classified information is one of them. The nature of the system is that the president gets to disclose what he wants." Lawfare 博客的国家安全专家在《华盛顿邮报》揭露理查德尼克松总统的“臭名昭著的评论”——“当总统这样做时,这意味着它不违法”——“实际上是 “在某些事情上是正确的。机密信息就是其中之一。美国系统的运行决定了总统可以披露他想要的东西。”
川普经手的文件何止成千上万?就哪怕真有还是应该算机密的文件留在在家了,也可联系要回。民主党政客基本都是律师出身,怎可不能不知总统的解密权基本是无限制的?只有仇恨入骨了,才会想到以机密的理由派 FBI 去抄前总统的家,更是仇恨到疯了,才会妄图以间谍罪抓捕前总统。
土共以间谍罪抓捕魏金生都比左媒民主党有说服力! |