我是黑人,不投我就是白人种族主义者。 我是女性,不投我的就是 proud boys 级的白人种族主义者。 我最近不男不女无性别,不投我就是歧视字母表的红脖子。
我是小三女,是川普物化女人的悲惨受害者,一定要把他关进大牢。 我是你们的唯一救星,不投我川普就重进白宫了。 还有什么理由呢?想不出来了。 嘎,嘎,嘎。 哦,还有一个理由。我给你们免费, everything!当然非法移民优先,黑人其次,拉丁第三,白人第四,,,只有自私的 MAGA 才反对。 钱从哪来? 亚裔干活。只有歧视亚裔的白人种族主义者才不同意。 勤劳伟大的亚裔们,You can do it! 干活越多,就是越痛打 MAGA 红脖子们的耳光。
Hi, everyone, I am Kamala, your next president of the United States of America. I am aksing for your votes. Legal or illegal,dead or alive, domestic or foreign, I love them all.
Why me? I am African. You have to vote for me unless you are a white supremacist. I am female. You can make history by making me the first female president of the United States.
Some days my mood turns gender neutral, so to my LGBTQ community, I am one of you.I feel your pain inflicted by all the redneck misogynists.Fight back by voting for me.
I am also a victim, a victim of objectification of women. The word is a mouthful, but the crime is heinous. In my youth, a powerful man of my grandfather's age paid me merely 140 grand a year! Perhaps even less. Just last month, Trump was convicted of this heinous crime by our comrades in New York. Now the choice is clear: me or Trump. Me who checks all the marks, or Trump the Hitler reincarnation? The Party has annointed me as your savior. A vote for me is a vote to defend Democracy!
What else? Let me think,,, (Giggle,,,) Oh, right, I'll give you freedom! The freedom to take everything you like, for free! Of course, there are priorities: undocumented aliens first, Africans next, then Latinos, then whites,,, Someone asked where to steal, uh,obtain the money? Great question! But I have the perfect plan.
Asians! Did I mention I am also Asian? To my fellow Asians , you are the hardest workers! Your relentless drive to make money will pay for the freedom of my country. Trump will exterminate you, but I will protect you. (Giggle,,,) Thank you all. Never forget: Democracy is in your hands. A vote for me is a vote against Hitler!
(Disclaimer: political satire. No copying in any format without the author's consent).