每次吃中餐,都要搞到几个幸运果子,歪瓜裂枣的,里面还要给人安民告示。都是中国人还好,谁都知道这是一骗孩子的把戏,茶余饭后添一乐子而已,也让大家义务回想一下这汉语该是个嘛意思。但遇到有三两老外,尤其是大妈级的,你就麻烦大了,得花点儿功夫给人解释解释。我注意到的一个现象是,在国内吃饭就没这一出,一到国外,这怎么就成了中国文化了?中国有这文化么?更搞笑的,别的城市大都是一个英语版本就完了,渥村地处首都,政治要正确,英语法语得俩版本,正面反面都印上。 自从上周过年被幸运了一个“ dynamic eyes”以后,我上网一钩,好嘛,这果子加句子还成了一产业。网上有叫卖这果子里的句子的,叫预言,叫信息,叫座右铭,叫段子,都可以,反正就是这么个文化产业的意思。随便钩出几段,给义务翻译回汉语,说不定我一天能给整出三两百条,弄个副业也未可知。 ----------- Love is for the lucky and the brave. 爱情这事儿,就是死皮赖脸加勇敢。 If you want the rainbow, you must put up with the rain. 没经历风雨哪能见彩虹。 A secret admirer will soon send you a sign of affection. 稍安毋躁,红杏即将出墙。 Don't forget, you are always on our minds. 再不还钱,就找讨债公司了。 The one you love is closer than you think. 远方有个思念的,身边有个做饭的。 Your heart will always make itself known through your words. 言为心声,废话少说。 Love is like wildflowers...it is often found in the most unlikely places. 路边的野花也要采,采到蓝里都是菜。
The greatest danger could be your stupidity. 傻A是傻A者的墓志铭。 He who laughs at himself never runs out of things to laugh at. 开自己的博,让别人去笑吧。 A conclusion is simply the place where you got tired of thinking. 这事儿没完,先洗洗睡吧。 Your past success will be overshadowed by your future success. 知道你过去牛过,但这里是加拿大。 You are talented in many ways. 你就是一万金油。 It doesn't matter. Who is without a flaw? 这算个嘛呀,小平还三起三落呢。 The first step to better times is to imagine them. 朝花夕拾杯中酒,寂寞的人在黄昏后。 Many a false step is made by standing still. 墙外行人,墙里佳人笑。 Keep your plans secret for now. 牙痛也不要告诉她哟。 All your hard work will soon pay off. 好好干吧,30年就还完贷款了。 Get ready! Good fortune comes in bunches. 赶紧找个框,天上要掉馅儿饼了。 |