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文章评论 |
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作者:山梓 |
留言时间:2010-04-08 21:08:02 |
各位最新访客,恕我不能一一回复,这里一并谢过。 欢迎各位借我的小山庄各抒己见,讨论争辩。这里只是希望大家相互尊重,平心静气,共同享受博客的乐趣。 |
作者:八零后 |
留言时间:2010-04-08 18:16:27 |
我平时对他们说:以前中国很多地方,尤其是北方农业不好的地方,很多人靠狩猎。他们没有畜牧业。因此狗变成一种肉食是很自然的。他们会圈养一些狗(这本来也就是事实)。 现在的社会本身也是一个国际化的社会。虽然很多人不能理解别国的情景,不过这样的人本身就和我成为不了关系很铁的朋友,我也无所谓。也和我的个性有关系。 |
从文中看到作者的民族自卑外,我还真没有看出什么其它的来。 文化不同有啥大惊小怪的,法国人吃田鸡和蜗牛,德国人就看不惯;但是德国人吃生牛肉,法国人也觉得恶心。但是从来没有看到过他们之间非要解释给对方不可。 你那同事问你这些问题本来就是有一种居高临下的味道在其中,你那又是“小心翼翼”地回答他 -- 一副洋奴像! |
作者:潇石 |
留言时间:2010-04-08 14:29:18 |
西岸说的有些道理。但西岸老把自已看成”受虐者“或文化劣势者,就属太没自信。我小孩都问我这些问题啦,该不会他们搞的文化优势吧?有些中国人是太脆弱和神经过敏。我是赞成计划生育的,只是方法上国内搞的不好。世界人口减10倍,把社会和科技都搞好,会有很好的生活。人不是动物,不能非把地球表面不挤满不罢休。 mustaphak 和 brush 俩位党员的觉悟就比大家就高,不是只肤浅地看到其”文化优势“而嗅出了美国这个国家在搞文化侵略,干涉”内政“! ”一鸣“小朋友不宜来这地方,不利于你的成长的。你多读读人民日报,会比来这又益的多。 |
作者:PH |
留言时间:2010-04-08 13:55:18 |
"tree38 留言时间:2010-04-08 09:11:44 I am a math teacher. After telling my students to determine by themselves the doubling periods of the Chinese population, which is about 35 years before the "one child per family" policy and 61 years after, I ask them if they have a second thought about the policy. First, they are frightened by the rapid growing rate. Secondly, they think that policy is the best thing that the Chinese have ever done to world since the beginning of the mankind history "
Do the following math: If Chinese hold the one child policy steady, how many years it takes for Chinese population to drop to half of the peak value? How years to drop to 10 million or 1 million?
It is not only a math problem. The child policy also creates social problems. That is why I support birth control,but I think the goevernment has done it over. |
作者:西岸 |
留言时间:2010-04-08 13:01:24 |
这两件事都遇到过,没觉得有什么难解释的。 吃狗肉问题更多是关于韩国人,不是中国人。简单的解释就是那是farmed animal,就是中文所说的“菜狗”,与这里养的牛没什么区别。 你到野外打野牛可能犯法,但杀掉圈养的牛卖肉就是商业行为。 似乎没见过什么人不理解。 另外美国人不是现在也大量吃猪肉了?过去可是只是下等的南方人才吃。在东部的时候曾经见过有老美形容中国店里有猪肠子卖,当然是个贬义的意思。问她去过西班牙没有?地中海国家的集市上猪下水产品比比皆是,根本不是中国人能比的。
这种东西是典型的“文化优势”的玩意,超出了好奇的范围。 |
作者:人大代表 |
留言时间:2010-04-08 12:31:09 |
看愤老 MustaphaK 的留言哭笑不得。动物的本能反应在她身上还很强呢,开口不去讲理,马上井喷“我屁股有屎,你屁股也不香!”。 再者满脑子人民日报!世界上“厌恨”美国的也基本上就是些欺压老百姓的独裁者和你们这些狗腿子们,还有些就是被信息隔离和欺蒙的少数人们。“杀人最多”应该改为“杀坏人最多”,那是好事!杀日本鬼子,德国鬼子,侵科的共和国卫队。。。美国有不少缺点,但无疑是世界上最光明磊落,最有责任感,最勇于进取,也是对世界发展贡献最大的国家。 这是世界人民为之高兴,反动派及其走狗为之又恨又怕! |
作者:headbig |
留言时间:2010-04-08 10:16:19 |
Unbelievable, so many support "自我阉割"
大陆的中国人是世界上唯一自我阉割的民族。" |
作者:tree38 |
留言时间:2010-04-08 09:11:44 |
I am a math teacher. After telling my students to determine by themselves the doubling periods of the Chinese population, which is about 35 years before the "one child per family" policy and 61 years after, I ask them if they have a second thought about the policy. First, they are frightened by the rapid growing rate. Secondly, they think that policy is the best thing that the Chinese have ever done to world since the beginning of the mankind history |
作者:PH |
留言时间:2010-04-08 08:40:24 |
Have a nice day! |
作者:MustaphaK |
留言时间:2010-04-08 08:16:23 |
Dear PH,
Once again you have too high an "opinion" on your own ability to "irritate". Please try harder. You are not registering yet. :) |
作者:PH |
留言时间:2010-04-08 08:13:17 |
Daer MustaphaK,
I am glad that I can get you irritated! Enjoy! |
作者:MustaphaK |
留言时间:2010-04-08 08:11:14 |
You really need to check your PH level, my dear PH, because "scientifically" speaking, it is "observed" that your PH is low and you are turning acidic. :) |
作者:MustaphaK |
留言时间:2010-04-08 08:07:24 |
"MustaphaK 留言时间:2010-04-08 07:50:31 Dear PH,
This is a crappy Blog as far away from a "scientific discussion" as you can ever get. So please, don't get carried away with you "observations and analysis" which is no more valuable than any baseless casual remarks.
As for your "close friend who worked on birth control in China." . Well this friend of yours can count himself lucky, because if he ever tries to pull this shit in America, he'd be shot. :) "
"Basically, you have proven that you have no brain at all."
Oh yes, this other "opinion" of yours is once again, based upon your very "scientific" "observations and analysis", obviously. :) Check out the big dog-meat brains on PH. :)"
"I am glad you start to think. A sign of brain development. Very fast evolution for your species."
Oh really? My dear PH, you really are capable of thinking that in that tiny-weeny pea-brain of yours?
Don't think too hard my friend, your brain is in melt-down, your heart rate is up and your nose is starting to bleed. :) |
作者:PH |
留言时间:2010-04-08 08:02:46 |
"MustaphaK 留言时间:2010-04-08 07:50:31 Dear PH,
This is a crappy Blog as far away from a "scientific discussion" as you can ever get. So please, don't get carried away with you "observations and analysis" which is no more valuable than any baseless casual remarks.
As for your "close friend who worked on birth control in China." . Well this friend of yours can count himself lucky, because if he ever tries to pull this shit in America, he'd be shot. :) "
"Basically, you have proven that you have no brain at all."
Oh yes, this other "opinion" of yours is once again, based upon your very "scientific" "observations and analysis", obviously. :) Check out the big dog-meat brains on PH. :)"
I am glad you start to think. A sign of brain development. Very fast evolution for your species. |
作者:MustaphaK |
留言时间:2010-04-08 07:56:55 |
"MustaphaK 留言时间:2010-04-08 07:50:31 Dear PH,
This is a crappy Blog as far away from a "scientific discussion" as you can ever get. So please, don't get carried away with you "observations and analysis" which is no more valuable than any baseless casual remarks.
As for your "close friend who worked on birth control in China." . Well this friend of yours can count himself lucky, because if he ever tries to pull this shit in America, he'd be shot. :) "
"Basically, you have proven that you have no brain at all."
Oh yes, this other "opinion" of yours is once again, based upon your very "scientific" "observations and analysis", obviously. :) Check out the big dog-meat brains on PH. :) |
作者:PH |
留言时间:2010-04-08 07:56:31 |
"昆仑山上一棵草 留言时间:2010-04-08 07:44:32 不同的民族有不同的习俗。美国人太以自我为中心,太矫情,所以不理解。其实可以以子之矛攻子之盾。西人吃牛肉,在印度人看来是野兽;西人也吃猪肉,在伊斯兰看来更是不可思议。北方的爱斯基摩人吃海豹,那也是多么通人性的动物。
狗,在中国还叫地羊,与羊同类。 '
Agree. It is just a matter of cultural difference. |
作者:昆仑山上一棵草 |
留言时间:2010-04-08 07:55:28 |
我看“一个家庭一个孩子”的政策应当改变了。在不变就可能又有些晚了。现在许多1970年代出生的人不要孩子。这是个危险现象。 |
作者:PH |
留言时间:2010-04-08 07:53:22 |
"MustaphaK 留言时间:2010-04-08 07:50:31 Dear PH,
This is a crappy Blog as far away from a "scientific discussion" as you can ever get. So please, don't get carried away with you "observations and analysis" which is no more valuable than any baseless casual remarks.
As for your "close friend who worked on birth control in China." . Well this friend of yours can count himself lucky, because if he ever tries to pull this shit in America, he'd be shot. :) "
Basically, you have proven that you have no brain at all. |
作者:MustaphaK |
留言时间:2010-04-08 07:50:31 |
Dear PH,
This is a crappy Blog as far away from a "scientific discussion" as you can ever get. So please, don't get carried away with you "observations and analysis" which is no more valuable than any baseless casual remarks.
As for your "close friend who worked on birth control in China." . Well this friend of yours can count himself lucky, because if he ever tries to pull this shit in America, he'd be shot. :) |
作者:昆仑山上一棵草 |
留言时间:2010-04-08 07:44:32 |
狗,在中国还叫地羊,与羊同类。 |
作者:PH |
留言时间:2010-04-08 07:42:46 |
This is a scientific discussion. If you have any brain at all, we can discuss.
Actually, I have a close friend who worked on brith control in China. My opinion is based on our observations and analysis. |
作者:MustaphaK |
留言时间:2010-04-08 07:37:12 |
哇, PH, 还1,2 的, 你怎么不去中国搞计划生育啊? 可能那些乡下人听你一开英语,个个自动流产.
What a waste of your natural talent!? You birth control extraordinaire YOU!!
要不要吃些狗肉? |
作者:PH |
留言时间:2010-04-08 07:31:08 |
I agree that birth control is necessary for China. The key is how to control. There are 2 problems in Chinese government's approach:
1. In any case, each family should be allowed to have 2 children to maintain the population stability. Manpower shortage will happen in China soon.
2. The government could have promoted birth control in ways other than force. |
作者:Silent |
留言时间:2010-04-08 07:25:25 |
"但是中国人口太多,这只能是没有办法的办法。" 我同意PH的看法。我们认为这个是没有办法的办法可能也仅仅是被“洗脑“的结果。。。。。。。。。 |
作者:MustaphaK |
留言时间:2010-04-08 07:24:50 |
水柔石刚 留言时间:2010-04-08 07:06:17 原来这样,不同民族是有不同的文化呀。谢谢分享。
===== 哦, 原来你连“不同民族是有不同的文化”这个道理活到今天才知道?你一定是美国人了.因为世界上只有美国人才认为世界上除了美国人没别的民族和文化了. |
作者:MustaphaK |
留言时间:2010-04-08 07:19:08 |
对啊, 美国人很难理解吃狗肉,但非常中意吃人肉. 不能理解打胎, 但很能理解杀人.
所以美国人不是人而是食肉的动物,所以很难理解人类的文化. |
作者:水柔石刚 |
留言时间:2010-04-08 07:06:17 |
作者:一鸣 |
留言时间:2010-04-08 06:51:51 |
杀人可比吃狗肉更让人难理解。 |
作者:brush |
留言时间:2010-04-08 06:40:54 |
至于计划生育,只有一个关键实事:资源是有限的。如果资源无限,你随便怎么生。如果是有限的,那么,你多生的后代就要分薄其他少生的后代。如果人人平等,那么每个人都有权力把自己的那部分资源留给后代。你占用了,既要补偿。仅此而已。更不要说西方就是站着说话不腰疼。你只要问他,你的国家愿不愿意接受超生的人口?我们国家已经容纳不下,如果你愿意我们举双手赞同超生。明天就送他几亿人来。如果不愿意,就不要装圣人,你本来就是个伪君子。装作同情别人不过是为了显得自己多高尚。可惜您不是。要不然您也不会整天反对歧视移民了。 |