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Snowden 是中共間諜麼? 2013-06-12 20:17:45

几天前出了一件轟動全球的大事:有一美國幫 CIA 収集情報的網路高手 Snowden 跑到香港避難!表面上是為了揭露美國 NSA 侵犯公民隱私,但為何卻跑去毫無隱私概念,迫害自由最凶的中共控制的領地?天真麼?聯想到美國最近高調指控中共黑客偷竊美國公司國家機密,Snowden 跑去香港幫中共反控美國也黑客中共網路,不能不讓人懷疑此人的真正意圖究竟是什麼?以下是一專家分析,認定 Snowden 是中共間諜,他叛逃香港是中共需要他來反擊美國。頗有道理。美國一再縱容中共,吃儘苦頭,卻從未學到教訓,頗為好笑,更令人警覺。

Former CIA case officer Bob Baer revealed on CNN Sunday evening that intelligence officials were possibly considering Edward Snowden’s case as Chinese espionage, after Snowden came forward this afternoon from an undisclosed Hong Kong location.

“Hong Kong is controlled by Chinese intelligence,” Baer said. “It’s not an independent part of China at all. I’ve talked to a bunch of people in Washington today, in official positions, and they are looking at this as a potential Chinese espionage case.”

“On the face of it, it looks like it is under some sort of Chinese control, especially with the president meeting the premier today,” Baer said. “You have to ask what’s going on. China is not a friendly country and every aspect of that country is controlled. So why Hong Kong? Why didn’t he go to Sweden? Or, if he really wanted to make a statement, he should have done it on Capitol Hill.”

According to Glenn Greenwald, Snowden said he chose Hong Kong because “‘they have a spirited commitment to free speech and the right of political dissent,’ and because he believed that it was one of the few places in the world that both could and would resist the dictates of the US government.”

CNN host Fredericka Whitfield asked if there was any chance of China extraditing Snowden.

“We’ll never get him in China,” Baer said. “They’re not about to send him to the United States and the CIA is not going to render him, as he said in the tape, is not going to try to grab him there.”

“It almost seems to me that this was a pointed affront to the United States on the day the president is meeting the Chinese leader,” Baer said, “telling us, listen, quit complaining about espionage and getting on the internet and our hacking. You are doing the same thing.”

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作者:gmuoruo 留言时间:2013-06-13 05:11:53
樓上的,讀一下文章,用一點腦子。Snowden 可去冰島,可去法國,卻要跑去香港,接受中共控制。
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作者:西岸 留言时间:2013-06-12 21:18:01
美国人一般为逃避引渡的地方是墨西哥,但毕竟离美国太近,美国的绑架特工甚至民间TV show的武装人员都可以进入活动(当然是非法的),因此是不安全的。而在香港美国的绑架特工就不容易生存。
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