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纽约时报编造性谎言摸黑McCain的前科 2016-10-16 22:00:14

纽约时报帮民主党人编造性谎言摸黑对手不是第一次。2008 年为了帮Obama而编造性谎言摸黑McCain,因此被告还输掉官司。但那时选举早已过了,纽时的下三滥手法已经得成。

Lobbyist Vicki Iseman Settles Libel Suit Over N.Y. Times Story Linking Her to McCainBy Howard KurtzWashington Post Staff Writer Friday, February 20, 2009

Vicki Iseman, the Washington lobbyist who sued the New York Times over an article about her relationship with Arizona Sen. John McCain, settled yesterday in exchange for a note to readers posted on the paper's Web site.

"The article did not state, and The Times did not intend to conclude, that Ms. Iseman had engaged in a romantic affair with Senator McCain or an unethical relationship on behalf of her clients in breach of the public trust," says the note, which will also be published in today's editions.

Rodney Smolla, Iseman's attorney, said she is ending the $27 million lawsuit because the paper's "retraction," as he put it, "publicly withdraws the libelous implications that were at the heart of the complaint. . . . That's an honorable judgment by the Times and a vindication of Ms. Iseman's reputation."

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作者:gmuoruo 回复 笑哈哈 留言时间:2016-10-17 08:59:42


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作者:笑哈哈 留言时间:2016-10-17 08:54:04


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