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真名袁无名又名袁正名化名 原住民现名老猿  
老猿:第9次获美国“小推车”文学奖提名 2016-01-14 15:58:48


Pushcart Nominations: 

1. "Chansons of a Chinaman," nominated by my first poetry book publisher Leaf Garden Press for a Pushcart Prize for 2009. [link::http://leafgardenpress.blogspot.com/].

2. "S. E. W. N," nominated by Blue Fifth Review for a Pushcart Prize for 2009. [http://samofthetenthousandthings.blogspot.com/2009/11/bfrs-pushcart-nominations.html]. Also, originally published by BFR, my poem "Last Single Sale" was selected for inclusion in Best New Poems Online;

3. "Word Collage: A Democratic Poem," nominated by Carcinogenic Poetry (Virgogray Press) for a Puschcart prize for 2010. [link:: http://virgograypress.com/2010/11/25/2010-virgogray-press-pushcart-prize-nominees/];

4. "SAWS: A Seasonal Poem," nominated by Wilderness House Literary Review for a Pushcart prize for 2011. [link::http://www.fictionaut.com/forums/general/threads/1448];

5. "Kinship: for Yuan Hongqi." nominated by Mobius, the Poetry Magazine for a Pushcart Prize for 2012 [link:: http://www.mobiuspoetry.com/prizeawards.htm];

6. “Read,” nominated by Yellow Medicine Review [http://www.yellowmedicinereview.com/] for a Pushcart Prize for 2013;

7. "Y," nominated by Sleet Magazine for a Pushcart Prize for 2013 [link:: http://www.sleetmagazine.com/selected/yuan_v5n1.html#Title1];

8. "Natural Confrontations," nominated by The Binnacles for a Pushcart Prize for 2013 [link:: http://machias.edu/binnacle];

9. “Y,” nominated by Cincinnati Review for a Pushcart Prize for 2015 [link: “Notes for a New Year: http://www.cincinnatireview.com/blog/];


You have been haunted by this letter 
Yes, since it contains all the secrets of 
Your selfhood: your name begins with it 
You carry y-chromosome; you wear 
Y-pants; both your skin and heart are 
Yellowish; your best poem is titled 
Y; you seldom seek the balance between 
Yin and yang; you never want to be a 
Yankee, but you yearn to remain as 
Young as your poet son; in particular 
You love the way it is pronounced, so 
Youthfully, as a word rather than a letter to 
Yell out the human reasons; above all 
Your soul is a seed blown from afar, always 
Y-shaped when breaking the earth to greet spring

另外,我的“美国/现代化”一诗又获塞浦路斯的英文刊物  the sons of camus writers international journal. 的诗歌写作杰出奖,这是第二次;上次是2012年,获奖的作品题为“中国传说之现代化”。

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