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马可·卢比奥说小泽犹太狼:两面三刀 2025-02-21 05:59:09







NEW: Marco Rubio claims that President Zelenskyy acted two-faced with him and President Trump and warns him not to hustle the United States. RUBIO: "We discussed mineral rights with Zelenskyy and said we want to be in a joint venture with you because we think we need a security guarantee. We need to be paid back some of the $200B in taxpayer money we've given you. He said 'Sure, I need to run it through my legislative process.' I read two days later he's saying he rejected the deal. That's not what happened in that meeting. We're trying to help these guys. Ukraine doesn't directly impact the daily lives of Americans, there should be some gratitude here. When you see him accusing the President of disinformation, that's highly counterproductive. President Trump isn't going to take that. He's not going to get gamed. He hopes Zelenskyy isn't trying to hustle the United States, that's not going to be productive here."

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作者:a9785 留言时间:2025-02-21 12:34:53


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