女兒給我做了一個很美的slide show慶生,背景音樂是周杰倫那小眯縫眼的。也不知為何,女兒特飯那小子。俺說流行歌曲給你聽張學友,張國榮的,那才叫個好聽。周杰倫吐字不清,他的歌俺聽半天,也聽不明白說啥呢。女兒不賣賬:你飯的偶像都這麼老,哪有Jay Chow 迷人啊。唉。。。
在含混的 Jan式音樂伴奏中,是一連串她精心挑選的家庭照片秀。間歇着,從各個角落,以各種方式,跳蹦出各式狀態的文字。不大不小的Teenager,用不完的energy,超嫉妒地說。。。
轉錄下來作個紀念 (洋文是她的,中文是老媽的讀後感):
Why do we love you so? Too many reasons to count... But we shall attempt anyway!! ( 開頭還行,一看就是馬屁貼,但誰不愛馬屁呢?看你怎麼拍下去!)
You are...
Considerate Sweet Cute Huggable (*Squeals* I love hugging you!!) (嗯,有點創意) Funny (even if you don\'t get my jokes. ^_^) (7,你那叫幽默?!) Understanding (us girls stick together foreva!) (該把你整去做spelling bee!) Fun (I mean, just look at all the parties you\'re invited to!) (嘿嘿,每次都拖上你,痛苦吧:) Competitive Evil (at times, like when you don\'t let me listen to my music. >_<) (原來你都在心裡罵) Beautiful (馬屁!) Fashionable (The best shopping buddy a girl could have!) (嘿嘿,把淘便宜貨忽悠成時髦,俺還真行) Enthusiastic Loving (you\'ll love your family through anything even if we annoy the hell outta you sometimes. ^^) (好像有點句法問題,說不準來着) Someone who doesn\'t need too many packs of aspirin (這說到點了,老媽不喜歡藥片) Someone who\'s daughter considers you to be a best friend. (真滴?) Strict (in a good way..I think.) (如果不加那I think,俺會更開心噢) Skilled (at cooking, teaching, tennis, education) (7,沒那兩刷子,哪鎮得住這一大家) Hard-working Tolerant (heehee it takes someone with real skill to take care of ME!) (你對俺來說是小菜啦) Patient (pfft. Look at what you did to XX! It\'s a miracle!) (你弟弟是有點不太好消化) Creative (you try to be with you\'re cooking ^^) (被你們給逼滴) Fair Determined (..to beat me in tennis. *glares*) (看你痛苦,是一件多開心的事啊) Ambitious Concerning Passionate (about everything you do!) Intelligent Forgiving (it takes someone strong to forgive) (哼,別忽悠,拿C絕不原諒你!) Proud Sometimes really stubborn (說清楚點,這馬屁有點。。。) Easily annoyed (好像開始批判聊。。。) Fun to poke. (what? I like to poke you. ) (開始折磨聊。。。) Fun to tease. (even though I get blamed a lot for it..) Someone who doesn\'t understand sarcasm. (啥?老媽是白痴?!) The one who brought life. (to me and xx that\'s the ultimate gift! ^^) (7, 還用你說,當初你老爸就看中俺能生養來着) Someone who likes to baby the oldest child. (as long as you don\'t show my baby pictures I\'m fine with that. ^^) (還就喜歡你的BABY 照片,現在三大五粗,擠豆豆,有啥好秀滴?!)
Finishing up... You are loved beyond measure. You are treasured. You are the best because the love you show shines. You are our Mother!!
At Last
I want to wrap this up with a conclusion. Ahem. You our mother and I know that this day ( your BIRTHDAY!!!) will come again in another full year and I would just like to let you know that I care about you. You are important to me and engraved forever in my heart. And although you are always suspicious of my motives ( 非常懷疑滴說), like when I tried to take your picture to draw a portrait, I still love you for who you are. I have only ONE eensy teensy thing to say left...
唉,這臭女兒,最後還是把俺忽悠得老眼有點潮濕, Jay 的歌也能聽個半懂了。得表達一下感激之情:“女兒,謝謝你的禮物,當媽的很高興。以後呢,就不要花這麼多時間做貼了,如果你能用這時間練你的鋼琴。。。”
“怎麼辦?簡單!忍着唄。 你上面洋洋灑灑羅列了36條,這麼好的老媽,上哪找?!”
作者:海棠花飛 (http://blog.creaders.net/haitanghuafei/) |