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今日左媒谎言笑话 2020-09-05 19:03:01


Funny Lie 20200905.jpg



次要新闻 2: 国防部下令《星条旗》杂志停刊。

次要新闻 1: 川普得知国防部决定后,下令继续资助《星条旗》杂志。

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作者:gmuoruo 回复 渔阳山人 留言时间:2020-09-06 08:02:24



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作者:渔阳山人 回复 gmuoruo 留言时间:2020-09-06 07:50:16

请您先读读原文,好不好啊?“Trump administration”是原文说的,我不过据实翻译而已。

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作者:gmuoruo 回复 渔阳山人 留言时间:2020-09-05 22:03:49

文章最重要是标题,本是国防部的官僚干的事(很可能是 resistance 的成员),左媒却想赖在川普头上。你改用“川普当局”,虽不像左媒那样全盘撒谎,还是有点想給川普抹点黑的意图啊。

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作者:渔阳山人 留言时间:2020-09-05 21:46:10

您大概没看原文,弄错了。这是Rolling Stone的一篇文章,指出是川普当局以节省开支的理由下令Stars and Stripes停刊,结果遭到多方反对。下面是部分内容:

“The Trump administration has decided to shutter Stars and Stripes, the award-winning
independent military newspaper that began during the Civil War and has
continuously published since World War II. The publication has broken
many important stories, including highlighting predatory or unethical
practices by military brass.

Lawmakers from both sides of the aisle have been trying to prevent
this move for months. “Stars and Stripes is an essential part of our
nation’s freedom of the press that serves the very population charged
with defending that freedom,” fifteen senators said in a letter sent to
Defense Secretary Mark Esper.

Even Trump sycophant Lindsay Graham has attempted to save the paper,
writing to Esper, “as a veteran who has served overseas, I know the
value that the Stars and Stripes brings to its readers.”

But the administration announced
it is going ahead with closing the publication as part of cost-cutting
measures, ordering it to stop publishing by September 30th and setting a
deadline at the end of January to dissolve it completely.”


“Update: Following blowback, President Trump announced on Twitter that the publication will not be shuttered after all.”


所以,首先是川普当局要Stars and Stripes停刊,遭到反对后才让步保留之。


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