至于美国银行是否“not well treated in Canada”,那完全是另一个问题。我也搞不懂是不是“not well treated in Canada”?加拿大是法制国家。如果美国银行受到歧视,可以告政府,也可以通过美加墨协议仲裁机构。我前面提到的Tangerine银行,还有HSBC银行,都是外国银行,都在加拿大运行得好好的,怎么没听说他们觉得“not well treated in Canada”?退到最后一步,即使存在不公平的待遇,那也应该通过申诉仲裁等程序,而不是诉诸25%关税!
加拿大银行法律可能更严格一点,比美国自己的银行更严格,但你不用美国自己的标准去要求加拿大。关键是,美国银行在加拿大是不是跟其它银行受到同等的法律约束?只要是一视同仁,就不存在是否“not well treated in Canada”的问题!
本来数年前是有一些美国企业在加拿大油气行业经营的,但是由于小土豆强行加碳税,并且越加越高,终于大多数美国公司与两三年前被迫撤出加拿大!你可以说加拿大一视同人啊,可是美国是外来企业,经营成本肯定稍高,加上美国还没有征收碳税,撤出加拿大肯定是明智之举。你说这算不算not well treated,算不算变相歧视?
Most US banks operating in Canada have chosen the “branch” option that does not subject them to the requirements of a subsidiary. However, there is a different restriction on branches: they are not allowed to accept deposits lower than $150,000 CAD.
That, of course, means they can’t conduct retail operations for average Canadian citizens – but they can engage in various profitable activities, for companies and wealthy individuals, that are less visible to the general public.