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我出版社首发《中国新诗300首》 2013-10-29 10:33:48


300 New Chinese Poems


野  鬼  主编

张智中  译审



Poetry Pacific Press

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野鬼(1965 ),本名张智,英文名Arthur Zhang,另用笔名无月楼。祖籍重庆南岸,生于四川巴县凤凰镇。文学博士,荣誉人文学博士。先后从事过多种职业,现任国际诗歌翻译研究中心(IPTRC)主席、《世界诗人》季刊(混语版)执行总编、英文版《世界诗歌年鉴》主编,智利“国际诗人协会”驻华大使、希腊国际文学艺术与科学学院外籍院士。1986年开始发表文学和翻译作品。部分作品先后被译成英语、法语、德语、日语、俄语、希腊语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语、波兰语、罗马尼亚语、丹麦语、匈牙利语、孟加拉语、意大利语、瑞典语、韩语、斯拉夫-蒙古语、塞尔维亚语、希伯莱语、阿拉伯语、斯洛伐克语、克罗地亚语、保加利亚语、马其顿语、阿尔巴尼亚语等二十余种外国文字,并被收入国内外数十种重要选本。曾获希腊、巴西、美国、以色列、法国、印度、意大利、奥地利、黎巴嫩、马其顿等国诗歌奖。主要作品有∶诗集《RECEITA》(葡萄牙语-英语-汉语对照)、《SELECTED POEMS OF DIABLO》(英语)、《POETRY BY ZHANG ZHI》(德语-英语-葡萄牙语对照)、《野鬼诗选》(汉英对照),诗评集《中国当代前卫诗人系列论》等。主编《国际当代诗人诗选》(英汉对照)、《20世纪中国新诗选》(中英对照)、《世界当代诗人大辞典》(混语版)、《世界诗人书库》(双语对照)、汉英读本《中国新诗300首》(19172012)等。


 About the editor

Diablo (1965— ), whose original mane is Zhang Zhi, English name Arthur Zhang, and pen name Wuyuelou (Moonless Tower), with ancestral place of Nan’an of Chongqing, was born in Phoenix Town of Baxian County, Sichuan Province. He is doctor of literature and honorary doctor in humanism, and has successively been engaged in many professions. He is the current chairman of the International Poetry Translation and Research Centre, executive editor of The World Poets Quarterly (multilingual), editor-in-chief of the English version of World Poetry Yearbook, embassador in China of the International Poets Association in Chile, and foreign academician of Greek International Literature & Arts and Science Academy. He began to publish his literary and translation works since 1986. Some of his literary pieces have been translated into over twenty foreign languages, such as English, French, German, Japanese, Russian, Greek, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Romanian, Danish, Hungarian, Bengalese, Italian, Swedish, Korean, Slavic-Mongolian, Serbian, Hebrew, Arabic, Slovak, Croatian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, and Albanian, etc., to be included into dozens of domestic and overseas anthologies. He has ever won poetry prizes from Greece, Brazil, America, Israel, France, India, Italy, Austria, Lebanon, and Macedonia. His main works include poetry collections such as RECEITA (Portuguese-English-Chinese), SELECTED POEMS OF DIABLO (English), POETRY BY ZHANG ZHI (German-English-Portuguese), Selected Poems of Diablo (Chinese-English), collection of poetry criticism entitled Series Essays on Avant-Garde Chinese Poets, etc. In addition, he has edited Selected Poems of Contemporary International Poets (English-Chinese), Selected New Chinese Poems of 20th Century (Chinese-English), A Dictionary of Contemporary International Poets (multilingual), The Book Series of World Poets (Bilingual), and Chinese-English Textbook 300 New Chinese Poems (19172012) , etc.



张智中(1966 ),河南博爱人。郑州大学英语语言文学专业学士,天津外国语大学英美文学方向硕士,南开大学典籍翻译及译论研究方向博士,河南大学诗歌翻译博士后。现为天津师范大学翻译研究所所长、外国语学院教授。兼任《世界诗人》季刊客座总编、国际诗歌翻译研究中心副主席、重庆理工大学文学艺术研究所《新诗》大型季刊译审。大量的翻译实务之外,英译汉有美国经典电影系列计50余部,汉译英有中国中央电视台拍摄的84集电视连续剧《三国演义》、电影《刘三姐》等。出版编、译、著44部(其中33部独立著译),在外语类核心和其它重要刊物上发表学术论文70篇,发表译诗3,500余首,另有诗歌创作发表。200310月,获南开大学二等奖学金;200311月,获第十五届全国韩素音青年翻译征文(汉译英)优秀奖;200512月,获2005年度国际最佳翻译家称号;200611月,获第二届“蔡丽双博士·世界诗歌奖·杰出翻译家奖”;20073月,被评为2006年度河南省教育厅学术技术带头人;20119月,获中国当代诗歌奖(2000—2010)翻译奖

About the translation reviser

Zhang Zhizhong (1966— ), his ancestral place is Boai County of Henan Province. He successively obtained a bachelor’s degree in English language and literature from Zhengzhou University, a master’s degree in English and American literature from Tianjin Foreign Studies University, and a doctor’s degree in translation studies from Nankai University, and he has done his postdoctoral study in aesthetics of poetry translation at Henan University. He is now director of Translation Studies Center of Tianjin Normal University, and professor of Foreign Languages College of Tianjin Normal University. Meanwhile, he is guest editor of The World Poets Quarterly, vice chairman of International Poetry Translation and Research Centre, and translation reviser of New Poetry, a large-scale periodical sponsored by the Research Institute of Lierature & Art of Chongqing University of Technology. He has done a huge amount of translation, including over 50 classic American movies (English-Chinese), the 84 episodes of TV play The Romance of Three Kingdoms and the movie entitled The Tale of Sister Liu (Chinese-English), etc. Until now, he has published 44 books (11 in collaboration with others), 70 academic papers, and over 3,500 translated poems. Besides, he has published his own poems. In October, 2003, he received scholarship from Nankai University; in November, 2003, he obtained Excellence Award in the 15th National Translation (Chinese-English) Competition for Youth Sponsored by Han Suyin; in December, 2005, he was entitled as the Best International Translator for 2005; in November, 2006, he won the Prize for Distinguished Translator in the 2nd World Poetry Prizes Sponsored by Dr. CHOI Laisheung; in March, 2007, he was entitled as the academic leader for 2006 by Henan Provincial Educational Bureau, and in September, 2011, he won the Translation Prize of “Contemporary Chinese Poetry Prizes (2000—2010)”.





 300 New Chinese Poems (19172012) is a choice selection of 325 poems from the past one hundred years of the new Chinese poetry. It is no exaggeration to say, through reading 300 New Chinese Poems (19172012), the reader can get an overview of the developing outline of the new Chinese poetry and the masterpieces of the new Chinese poetry. At the same time, 300 New Chinese Poems (19172012) provides a new insight and angle of view for those engaged in the research and promulgation of new Chinese literature, while offering reference texts for the future development and construction of the new Chinese poetry. What is of particular importance is that 300 New Chinese Poems (19172012) has brought the new Chinese poetry into the general developing course of the humanistic order of the world, and has supplied a true, vivid, and profound prospect of language and mind for the mental course of the Chinese nation in the past one hundred years.














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作者:yannanchen 留言时间:2014-05-26 17:33:28
He has ever won.....
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