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1/ 经网上认识的朋友介绍,我于9月9日至24日将国内著名身心灵导师张馨月女士的著作《创造丰盛》一书译成英文。我将于10月2日至11月4日回湖北荆州老家探母,返温哥华后再将此书出版,推广至英文世界。其中很多理念与我多年的心得相合,故打破惯例,不顾眼疼,终将其初稿译完;
2/ 前天位于温哥华的SFU(西蒙大学)有关方面来函通知,原本邀请我今年12月17日到该校朗诵我的诗作的主编要组稿出版一本名为ALONE TOGETHER(《一起孤独 》)的诗集,他们向我约稿,但愿能有所选用;
4/ 用英文写诗整整10年。自2009年以来,我的诗作每月至少有12次被英文刊物分别择录,最多时达31次,本月本担心会跌落,没想到昨两条连续有7次。等被录用过的刊物总数超过1,000时再另作打算。
5/ 我的‘九曲黄河’先被《加拿大最佳诗选》(2009)选录,年初又被加拿大为全国中学生推荐的《朗诵诗选》(Poetry in Voice)择录,一周前已正式入刊。该诗为的是宣扬我中华文化 - 我一向看不起那些为迎合洋人白人优越感而专门’揭露‘我族丑短的无良文人。如今我的这种’反诗‘居然也登了洋人的’大雅之堂‘ 与英美加历史上的大诗人同录一集,实为自豪。因为国人反正对我的诗不感兴趣,我就懒得把它翻译成中文了,以下连接转贴,权当存档::
Chinese Chimes: Nine Detours of the Yellow River
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you are unaware of your obscure sources
but you are explicitly sure of the vast sea
as your final destination
you always frown with your brownish wrinkles
but you prefer a nonprofessional smile on your face
your only luggage of life
all your teeth have been lost or pulled out
but you keep licking the muddy banks with your heart
despite your dreams forged
your song is no more than a foam of silence
but you struggle hard to remain afloat on the sea of noise
beyond the borderline of heaven
your love for the loess plateau often overturns and overflows
but you have never flooded the valley of the dragon’s mind
since confucius’s times
your course ahead is crowded with holes and crevices
but you will deliver your promises to every unevenness
instead of promising the deliveries only
you occupy an enormously tiny place of the world
but you feed all the hopes and wishes of those
with thirsty mouths stranded ashore
you flow down from the sky created by yourself
but you hope to avoid falling on the broken floor
of your own church
you may be tortured or burned to steam
but you will eventually find your impossible way
to the sea of blue sky
“Chinese Chimes: Nine Detours of the Yellow River” by Changming Yuan. From Chansons of a Chinaman , copyright © 2004-2009 by Changming Yuan. Reprinted by permission of the author.
Source: Best Canadian Poetry in English (Tightrope Books, 2009)
Common Poetic Terms and Forms:
Tercet - See more at: http://www.poetryinvoice.com/poems/chinese-chimes-nine-detours-yellow-river?language=en#sthash.CGBfJRH3.dpuf