| 女儿昨晚11点从牛腰飞回来了.
俺在机场接她时问, 感觉咋样?
虽然拖着疲惫不堪的身子, 女儿仍然充满激情且柔声细语的说, “呆地呀, 我哪也不去了, 我决定去哥伦比亚!”
“就参观了两天就定啦? 别的学校不去看看啦”?
“呆地, 我真的非常喜欢哥伦比亚”! 女儿的嗓子有点沙哑, 她扭过头去, 深深地吸了口气, 遥望远方那闪烁着星辰的夜空…
俺赶紧接过女儿手里拉着的小旅行包, 快上车回家吧.
象很多孩子一样, 女儿三月底被哥伦比亚录取了. 也象很多孩子一样, 女儿手里还攒着其它学校的录取信.
四月里来春光好啊! 前面三个月里是学校选学生, 现在抡到学生当家做主了, 他(/她)想拒谁就拒谁! 现在是学校在着急啦, 也难为那些藤子了, 听说今年的挂号线 (waiting list) 特别的长.
本月初, 哥伦比亚来电说, 俺们包吃包住包机票, 请你来体验体验,中不中?
哥伦比亚的心, 真诚.
女儿周末飞过去了! 飞到了牛腰城, 飞到了百老汇.
女儿在\'母校\'(Alma Mater) 铜雕前徘徊詹望, 女儿在图书馆里流连忘返…

蓝天里, 仿佛在传唱那动人的歌声: 读你…千遍不厌倦, 读你…的感觉象春天…
今天早上, 女儿仿佛还在哥大校园里.
从女儿的脸上, 俺再次看到了哥伦比亚, 还有那挡不住的诱惑!

哥大校园内著名的铜雕: 母校(Alma Mater)

这个铜像是Daniel Chester French于1903年设计建造的. Daniel也是D.C.林肯总统纪念馆里林肯雕像的设计师.

闪亮的趾头: 听说摸一下Alma Mater的脚趾头, 会给你带来好运!


Time |
Event |
1:00pm – 3:00pm |
Check-in & Student Activities Fair Roone Arledge Auditorium, Alfred Lerner Hall – please use entrance on Broadway between 114 & 115 streets. |
1:00pm – 2:30pm |
Residence Hall Tours Student guides will be available in all five of our first-year residence halls to show you around. Pick and choose which buildings you would like to tour! |
3:00pm – 4:30pm |
Walking Tours of Morningside Heights (Students) Get to know the neighborhood with fellow admitted students and current Columbians as you see the sites of Morningside Heights. |
3:00pm – 4:45pm |
Parent & Family Welcome Session (Parents) Staff from the Division of Student Affairs and current Columbia students and parents welcome you to the Columbia family! |
4:45pm – 6:15pm |
Dinner in John Jay Dining Hall (Students) Enjoy dinner in John Jay with other newly admitted students. |
4:30pm – 6:00pm |
Parent Reception (Parents) Mingle and speak with Columbia administrators and alumni while enjoying light refreshments at an on-campus reception. Also, enjoy live entertainment from one of the Music Performance Program’s finest chamber ensembles. Please note that parents may sign up to attend a Dinner in NYC at our hospitality table during the Parent Reception. |
6:30pm – 8:30pm |
Dinners in NYC (Parents) Join other parents of recently admitted students, alumni, and Columbia administrators for an optional prix-fixe dinner at one of our favorite neighborhood restaurants. Please note that parents must pay the cost of dinner – all prix-fixe menus range between $25 and $35 per person. |
6:15pm – 7:00pm |
Meet Your Current Student Host (Students) Admitted and current Columbia students unite! |
7:30pm – 9:00pm |
Low-Down! (Students) Enjoy a sampling of some of Columbia’s best student performance groups in the famed Low Library Rotunda! |
9:00pm – 11:00pm |
Night Bus Tour of New York City (Students) Hop on board for a guided tour of NYC’s most impressive sites. |
11:00pm – 1:30am |
Night Activities (Students) Choose from a wide selection of after hours events: The DOC Lounge, Varsity Show preview, Student Council 2010 & 2011 Welcome Party, political debate with the College Democrats & College Republicans, Black Students’ Organization study break, WKCR tour, a cappella, Intercultural Resource Center open mic & BBQ, food runs to Tom’s Diner – the list goes on! | |