My baby started to sleep all by helself since 15 months old. It took me a long time to train her. I did it very gradually, starting by putting her to bed when she is almost sleep, then change to putting her to bed and pat her on her back till she sleep, then, I sat beside her crib so she knows I were available, and then sat there, and leave, and come back and sat there, and leave for a while, and eventually, one day, she fell asleep after I left. later, she can say night night to me and stay in her bed talking with her little doll till she fall asleep herself. It took me 3 months to train that way, and though there are times she did not cooperate, but I can see the progress and it really benefit me now. :) The good part is there is no long time of crying, and she feel secure most of the times, the down side is it took alot of patience to train that way.
You're a great mom. I read all of them even before you put them in the blog. Are you still working in China? I cannot imagine you can handle it so well with busy schedule. I did learn a lot and am looking forward to reading more interesting articles.