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证人: Jessica Leeds and 纽约时报撒谎! 2016-10-14 17:53:00



“,,,More than three decades ago, when she was a traveling businesswoman at a paper company, Ms. Leeds said, she sat beside Mr. Trump in the first-class cabin of a flight to New York. They had never met before.

About 45 minutes after takeoff, she recalled, Mr. Trump lifted the armrest and began to touch her.

According to Ms. Leeds, Mr. Trump grabbed her breasts and tried to put his hand up her skirt.

“He was like an octopus,” she said. “His hands were everywhere.”

She fled to the back of the plane. “It was an assault,” she said.

Ms. Leeds has told the story to at least four people close to her, who also spoke with The New York Times”.

本人不是川粉,但更不耻左派主流媒体如此不顾职业道德,自贱成街头色情小报。纽时若有自尊,就该至少要先查证 究竟是哪一年,哪一架飞机,此女是否真和川普同机。 “More than three decades ago“ 这种含混不清的时间,说明纽时跟本没花一点功夫查证。

好了,现在有证人出现了:Jessica Leeds 和 纽约时报 都在撒谎!


Donald Trump’s campaign says a British man is countering claims that the GOP presidential nominee groped a woman on a cross-country flight more than three decades ago.

The man says he was sitting across from the accuser and contacted the Trump campaign because he was incensed by her account — which is at odds with what he witnessed.

“I have only met this accuser once and frankly cannot imagine why she is seeking to make out that Trump made sexual advances on her. Not only did he not do so (and I was present at all times) but it was she that was the one being flirtatious,” Anthony Gilberthorpe said in a note provided to The Post by the Trump campaign.

In an exclusive interview arranged by the campaign, Gilberthorpe said he was on the flight — in either 1980 or 1981— where Jessica Leeds claimed Trump groped her.

Modal TriggerJessica Leeds arrives at her apartment building, Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2016, in New York.Photo: AP

Gilberthorpe, 54, said he was sitting across the first class aisle from the couple and saw nothing inappropriate. Leeds was wearing a white pantsuit, he said, while Trump was wearing a suit and cuff-links, which he gave to his British flight companion.

Indeed, Gilberthorpe claimed, Leeds was “trying too hard” in her attempt to win Trump over.

“She wanted to marry him,” Gilberthorpe said of Leeds, who apparently made the confession when Trump excused himself and went to the bathroom.

There was no kissing, but the “shrill” Leeds was “very much in your face” with the real estate developer.

Gilberthorpe made headlines in 2014, when he went public with a claim that as a 17-year-old he procured boys (some who “could have been” underage”) for sex parties with high-ranking British politicians.

‘If there’s evidence Trump’s done it, sure, hang him from the post, but I was there, I was in a position to know that what she said was wrong, wrong, wrong.’

Gilberthorpe has no evidence to back up his claim — just his self-described excellent memory.

“What she said about Trump is wrong,” he told The Post. “I mean, no decent human being could sit by and have a woman go on television and tell the United States of America — accuse an individual of sexually molesting. It’s wrong for Trump, it’s wrong for me. But you know something else? It’s wrong for the American people,” he said.

Leeds alleged this week in interviews with The New York Times and CNN that Trump groped her, touching her “wherever he could find a landing spot.”

“The guy in the seat across the aisle could see. And I kept thinking, maybe the stewardess is going to come and he’ll stop, but she never came,” Leeds told CNN.

That allegation infuriated Gilberthorpe, a retiree living in northwest England, who said, “That I sat there — eyes bulging —  and not intervening is nonsense.”

“If there’s evidence Trump’s done it, sure, hang him from the post, but I was there, I was in a position to know that what she said was wrong, wrong, wrong,” he said.

He immediately recognized Leeds when he saw video of her in The Times earlier this week holding up a younger picture of herself.

“Undoubtedly it was her,” he said. “I have a good photographic memory. I recognized her.”

He said he contacted the Trump campaign because he didn’t like that Leeds said that another passenger sat by while she was molested.

At a rally Friday in North Carolina, Trump claimed all allegations against him are “100 percent totally and completely fabricated.”

Speaking of Leeds, Trump said, “When you looked at the horrible woman last night, you said ‘I don’t think so.'”

Gilberthorpe is even challenging Leeds to a public confrontation.

“I will go to head to head with her — I will meet her again. I will see her eyes across the table with my eyes and I will challenge her on the points she made. And I’ll tell you what, I would do this whether it was for Trump, for Clinton, for Obama, or for any man who’s been accused of sexually molesting someone when I know he did not,” he said.

Leeds could not immediately be reached for comment.


纽时本来就已失去读者不得不卖身给墨西哥富豪,这次为了政争搞的下三滥手法更low 了,前途也会更加不妙。但失去了职业道德的媒体,本来就该如此下场。

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作者:老度 回复 gmuoruo 留言时间:2016-10-17 18:09:47



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作者:老度 回复 gmuoruo 留言时间:2016-10-17 18:03:38



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作者:gmuoruo 回复 老度 留言时间:2016-10-17 15:19:14


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作者:老度 留言时间:2016-10-17 13:20:48


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作者:gmuoruo 留言时间:2016-10-17 09:30:12

纽时前科:纽约时报 2008 年就为了帮民主党而编性谣言抹黑 McCain,选后输掉官司,但 dirty trick 已经成功:

Lobbyist Vicki Iseman Settles Libel Suit Over N.Y. Times Story Linking Her to McCainBy Howard KurtzWashington Post Staff Writer Friday, February 20, 2009

Vicki Iseman, the Washington lobbyist who sued the New York Times over an article about her relationship with Arizona Sen. John McCain, settled yesterday in exchange for a note to readers posted on the paper's Web site.

"The article did not state, and The Times did not intend to conclude, that Ms. Iseman had engaged in a romantic affair with Senator McCain or an unethical relationship on behalf of her clients in breach of the public trust," says the note, which will also be published in today's editions.

Rodney Smolla, Iseman's attorney, said she is ending the $27 million lawsuit because the paper's "retraction," as he put it, "publicly withdraws the libelous implications that were at the heart of the complaint. . . . That's an honorable judgment by the Times and a vindication of Ms. Iseman's reputation."

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作者:gmuoruo 回复 muzzy 留言时间:2016-10-16 16:20:27

哈,哈,哈,Leeds 的话越多越漏馅,但纽时和希粉的脑子是很好笑的。

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作者:muzzy 留言时间:2016-10-16 15:53:16


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作者:牛仔 回复 gmuoruo 留言时间:2016-10-16 13:32:59


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作者:.说了就跑 留言时间:2016-10-16 12:27:39




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作者:gmuoruo 回复 .说了就跑 留言时间:2016-10-16 11:52:06

你需要一点背景:纽时报道时只有 “三十多年前”这个含糊的时间,没有一点细节可供人查证,这才是最卑鄙的阴招。


有了这个背景,你就要问自己:飞机头等舱,性侵 15 分钟,对一个 35 岁的离异女主管可能么?

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作者:.说了就跑 留言时间:2016-10-16 11:40:05


In an exclusive interview arranged by the campaign, Gilberthorpe said he was on the flight in either 1980 or 1981 where Jessica Leedsclaimed Trump groped her.


Leeds was wearing a white pantsuit, he said, while Trump was wearing a suit and cuff-links, which he gave to his British flight companion.


Gilberthorpe has no evidence to back up his claim just his self-described excellent memory.


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作者:gmuoruo 回复 牛仔 留言时间:2016-10-16 10:36:33

牛仔 先生,你也是没坐过飞机?如果有,要什么样子的脑子才可能相信“头等舱性侵 15 分钟”这种骗傻瓜的故事?

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作者:牛仔 留言时间:2016-10-16 06:12:14

博主引的这个川普证人,不光劣迹班班,当时他不到18 岁,座头等舱?也没有证据证明他当时在米国。博主已经被恨Clinton 影响的自己的思考,把自己弄成了自己所不齿的郭沫若了。



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作者:muzzy 留言时间:2016-10-16 01:06:50


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作者:gmuoruo 回复 笑哈哈 留言时间:2016-10-15 17:10:52



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作者:笑哈哈 留言时间:2016-10-15 16:07:41



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作者:gmuoruo 留言时间:2016-10-15 06:25:04

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作者:gmuoruo 回复 汉卿 留言时间:2016-10-15 06:21:46

汉卿,你若真关心性侵,就早就该知道克林顿的性侵史,那些可是货真价实,还在白宫里的。左媒一再掩盖,但希拉莉早就知情,几十年来却一直做 enabler, 更为可恶。

反对川普可以,但主流左媒竟然赤软上阵,在选举最后阶段用这种下三滥的手法抹黑对手,该是前所未有的 low 了。

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作者:gmuoruo 回复 lone-shepherd 留言时间:2016-10-15 06:09:28



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作者:lone-shepherd 回复 gmuoruo 留言时间:2016-10-15 06:07:30

As long as we are Being truthful to ourselves.

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作者:汉卿 留言时间:2016-10-15 06:06:29



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作者:gmuoruo 回复 lone-shepherd 留言时间:2016-10-15 06:04:35

牧兄,Bill Cosby 可是早就被告的,而且是货真价实的性侵。

希拉莉也早就知道 Bill Clinton 的货真价实的性侵史,还继续当 enabler。

我只是揭露媒体的无耻无德,而不是想 convince 你,因为我知道人的心理。

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作者:lone-shepherd 回复 gmuoruo 留言时间:2016-10-15 05:47:57

老郭了解对Bill Cosby的指控吧?如果没有,请花时间了解一些,也许会帮助你知道为什么在性骚扰方面女性永远处于劣势、为什么很多人在骚扰发生后不马上报警了。

牧人并没有说Jessica的指控是真实的。hypothetically,15分钟而不告诉是可能的。这里不是法庭,牧人不想讨论那些细节。collectivelly 人们会形成自己的判断。


Be truthful to ourselves。

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作者:lone-shepherd 回复 gmuoruo 留言时间:2016-10-15 05:37:03


老郭说纽时报道未经证实的指控是完全丧失了操守,“至少要先查证 究竟是哪一年,哪一架飞机,此女真是和川普同机么?”。

现在说“现在有证人出现了:Jessica Leeds 和 纽约时报 都在撒谎!”。

那么请问郭兄:究竟是哪一年,哪一架飞机,此男真是和Jessica Leeds及川普同机么?纽约邮报没有核实这些信息是不是也是“良心大大地坏了”?

梦客兄和老郭都是牧人尊重的朋友,但是咱们每个人(包括牧人自己)在make an argument的时候切记对自己 be truthful。

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作者:gmuoruo 回复 gmuoruo 留言时间:2016-10-15 05:33:43

牧兄,首先,一个 35 岁的离婚女人在客机头等舱被性侵 15 分钟?一声不响?没人发现?要怎样的判段能力才能相信?

其次,真介意性侵的人,早就该知道克林顿性侵历史了,那可是货真价实的,不是纽时找来的这些 groping,kissing 之类的鸡毛蒜皮。



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作者:gmuoruo 回复 lone-shepherd 留言时间:2016-10-15 05:33:13

牧兄,首先,一个 35 岁的离婚女人在客机头等舱被性侵 15 分钟?一声不响?没人发现?要怎样的判段能力才能相信?

其次,真介意性侵的人,早就该知道克林顿性侵历史了,那可是货真价实的,不是纽时找来的这些 groping,kissing 之类的鸡毛蒜皮。



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作者:lone-shepherd 回复 枫苑梦客 留言时间:2016-10-15 05:08:25

梦客兄的判断真是这八个指控床破的女性(可以肯定的是更多受害者会come forward)都是民主党操纵的?

Natasha Stoynoff(那个指控川普的《人物》杂志记者)是一位受尊重的加拿大记者,她当时的主编Larry Hackett 已经证实她将这件事告诉他了,她的的导师、mentor、Ryerson大学教授Paul McLaughlin也证实她2005年告诉他了。


但是每个人都会形成自己的判断,正如对Bill Cosby也没有在法庭上得到确认,但并不影响人们形成自己的判断。

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作者:keeeleee 回复 gmuoruo 留言时间:2016-10-14 21:05:27





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作者:枫苑梦客 回复 gmuoruo 留言时间:2016-10-14 21:03:24

touched 了 15 分钟?那还叫touched? 这谎话编的太差劲。还有,她说,发现 armrest disappeared, 那时候扶手是固定的,不能disappeared. 无法自圆其说嘛。

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作者:marsfield 回复 gmuoruo 留言时间:2016-10-14 20:51:42


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